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UNISON University of Warwick

Welcome to the University of Warwick UNISON Branch

Branch News

Hundreds of people marching on the streets holding UNISON flags and banners and balloons

Organising to win

UNISON participates in national collective bargaining with HE employers on issues of pay (including pay gaps), workload and contract types.

Our local branch campaigns fight for a better deal for staff at the University of Warwick, on issues ranging from outsourcing and redundancies to the cost of car parking.

We are always in need of members who might be interested in becoming more active - with free training through UNISON College to become an effective rep, activist and/or organiser.

A person in UNISON jacket speaking in front of a microphone with people listening around them

Representing members

Anyone can face problems at work sometimes but if you are a member of UNISON, you don't have to face them alone.

We can provide advice or representation on issues like pay & benefits, rotas, flexible working, leave and sickness. We can also support you in case of disciplinary action or redundancy.

You may want to know who your UNISON branch officers & workplace stewards are at the centre of the branch's activity. All officers and stewards are democratically elected volunteers, and are essential to being able to offer the support our members need.

A diverse group of people in a classroom setting listening

Providing welfare and support services for members

We bring you together with other employees who face common issues in the workplace and enable you to get support from the union, as well as work with your colleagues to make your views felt.

We are here to make sure your workplace is inclusive, healthy and safe.

Services and welfare support for members includes: