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Trade Unions at Warwick

Trade unions support and represent people at work, are consulted and negotiate on their behalf, and campaign for better working conditions and pay. Trade union representatives help to ensure a safe working environment, identify and address concerns in the workplace, and campaign for a more inclusive working environment (including the eradication of all pay gaps).

The University formally recognises three trade unions: UCU, UNISON, and Unite.


UCU represents academic staff, and professional services staff on grades 6-9, including those within Estates and CCSG (except manual and technical staff).

Contact: UCU Chair Caroline Proctor, and Casework Co-ordinator Charlotte Heath-Kelly


UNISON represents grades 1a to 5 staff, excluding manual and technical roles.

Contact: Branch Secretary Sam Parr and Branch Treasurer Karen Markey


Unite represents staff in manual and technical roles across all grades.

Contact: Unite interim co-chairs Lee Cartwright and Paul Allsopp

Joining a trade union

Every employee has the right to join a trade union and take part in its activities.

You can join one of the recognised unions by following the relevant link below:

Trade union subscriptions can be deducted directly from salaries/wages if desired.

How the University works with the trade unions

The Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) is the formal forum where senior University management representatives meet with the recognised trade unions. The JCC meets once a term to discuss key organisational issues. University and trade union representatives meet more regularly via a Joint Working Group (JWG), where current organisational issues are discussed.

The Employee Relations team works closely with trade union colleagues to lead on consultation and negotiation for employees, and ensure the effective management of Joint Consultative Committees and Joint Working Groups.

Members of staff who are elected trade union representatives during their period of employment at the University are entitled to time off for trade union duties. Such time off is granted via the branch officers and HR with the agreement of local line managers.

More information and the recognition agreements with each trade union are available here.