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Undergraduate Research Support Scheme


Arts Faculty Support for URSS Applications 2023

The Arts Faculty is running a Support and Advice session designed to support you in applying for URSS funding (£1500) for Summer 2023. The session will take place on Tuesday 24th January at 13:00 online. You will also be able to access a recording of the session on the Teams Space. The session will enable you to learn what the URSS is, why you might want to engage with it, and how to choose a topic, find a supervisor and complete your application. There will be information about both the URSS and Public Engagement routes.

Session Dates: Term Two 2023

Note: In order to attend either session you must already have joined the Arts Faculty's URSS Teams Space.

CONFIRMED Introduction to URSS

  • 1-2pm, 24th January 2023, Microsoft Teams

CONFIRMED Support Completing Your Application

  • 9am - 5pm, Wednesday 25th January 2023

**The Introduction session will take place on Teams and will be recorded for those that cannot attend. Please note recordings will only be available to those who have joined the Teams space, so if you are interested please join even if you know you will not be able to attend in person.**

URSS Application Deadline: 12th February 2023

The Undergraduate Research Support Scheme enables undergraduate students to carry out an interdisciplinary summer research project.

The scheme is open to any UG student at Warwick of a full-time or part-time course, in any year including first and final year students. Erasmus and exchange students are not eligible to apply.

Applicants must get the support of academic supervisor and can apply for a URSS bursary to undertake their research project, either in the UK or abroad, for between 4-6 weeks. Bursarys are for £1500 for UK projects and overseas projects.

For more information visit the URSS webpage hereLink opens in a new window.

Looking for inspiration for your topic? Have a look at examples from the URSS showcase.

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