Situating Medicine: New Directions Conference
‘Situating Medicine: New Directions’ Conference
5-6th June 2014 at Radcliffe Conference Centre, the University of Warwick
Convened by Dr Roberta Bivins
Since 2008, the Centre for the History of Medicine has focused on the task of ‘Situating Medicine’: addressing it as a discipline, a set of practices, an object of study, and a force in the world. This conference, celebrating and extending our work, seeks to address the questions and challenges posed by medicine in the twenty-first century, including the rapidly shifting frontiers of medical research; the efficacy and limits of evidence-based medicine; the (much-hyped, but elusive) relationship of lifestyle to health; and the globalisation of medical knowledge.
‘Situating Medicine: New Directions’ will interrogate the power of current medical, socio-cultural, political, and economic developments as intellectual springboards for historical investigation. Drawing on British, European and South Asian history, the conference will also examine and compare how medicine is changed in theory and in practice as it moves from one environment to another, between institutional sites, and in global, national and local contexts. ‘Situating Medicine: New Directions’ will highlight critical reflections on the rapid rise of the history of medicine as an academic discipline, and address its relationship and synergies with the medical humanities.
Speakers and panellists will include Professor David Arnold (Warwick), Professor Tom Broman (Wisconsin), Dr Catherine Cox (UCD), Professor David Hardiman (Warwick), Professor Colin Jones (QMUL), Professor Projit Mukharji (Penn), plus staff and students from the Centre for the History of Medicine. Members of Talking Birds theatre company and our other arts collaborators will join our discussions, adding a wider perspective.
There is no conference fee. All meals are provided and delegate accommodation will be provided on Thursday 5th June. Please note that a conference travel bursary may also be available in cases of hardship.
Conference places are limited: please email the Centre Coordinator as soon as possible with your name, affiliations, interests and how you plan to contribute to the conference discussions. We will then let you know if we have been able to allocate a place for you.
Conference Programme (draft May 2014)
Radcliffe Conference Centre (conference venue and speaker accommodation)