Courting Nature: Medicine, Natural Philosophy and Politics at Early Modern European Courts
23 September 2005
Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick
Session one
Brian Nance (Coastal Carolina University)
English and Continental Court Medicine: Comparative Historiography and Agendas
Tara Nummedal (Brown University)
Court Culture and the Alchemical Marketplace in the Holy Roman Empire
Session two
Kay-Peter Jankrift (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Jewish Medical Practitioners at the Courts of Bavarian Dukes in the Later Middle Ages
Claudia Stein (Warwick University)
The “Kidney-Stone Affair” of 1580: or how the Body Natural Corrupted the Body Politic
Session three
Monica Azzolini (University of South Wales/Villa I Tatti, Florence)
Learned Pursuits: Astrology and Medicine at the Court of the Sforzas
Alisha Rankin (Trinity College, Cambridge)
Noble Empirics: Elite Women and Medical Experientialism in Early Modern Germany