Healing, Medical Power, and the Poor: Contests in Tribal India
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
12.00-1.00 pmLunch
2.00 pm
Formal welcome address: Dr Biswaroop Das
2.15 pm
Introductory remarks: Akash Acharya and David Hardiman
2.30-3.30 pm
Keynote address: Professor Jan Breman
3.30-4.00 pm
4.00-6.30 pm
Panel 1: Understandings of Disease
S. Karmegam (NU, Delhi)
Healing (Chattruppattu) Performance of the Kani Tribe in South India
Amit Mitra (Delhi) and Nitya Rao (UEA)
Why Does Cando Cause So Much Suffering? Well-Being, Health and Medicine at the Grassroots, Santal Parganas, Jharkhand
Minoo Parabia (Surat) Herbal remedies of Tribal Gujarat
Thursday, 22 March 2007
9.00 am
9.30-10.30 am
Panel 2: Missionary Healing
David Hardiman (Warwick)
Healing through Science, Healing through Faith: Christianity and the Adivasis of Western India
Pradip Chattopadhyay (Burdwan, West Bengal)
Changes in the Art of Health Nourishment of the Santals in Bankura and Birbhum Districts: A Reflection from Past to Present
10.30-11.00 am
11.00 am - 12.00 pm
Panel 3: Private Practitioners
Gauri Raje (Warwick)
Private Practioners in the Dangs, Gujarat
M. Saji (JNU, Delhi)
How Qualified is He/She? An Ethnographic Study on Tribal Doctors in the ‘Dominant Medical Discourse’ in India
1.30-3.00 pm
Panel 4: NGO Experience
Bina Sengar (Tarsali, Vadodra)
Mangrol: Seeking Village Welfare through Gandhian Ideology
Ashish Satav (Melghat, Amravati, Maharashtra)
3.00-3.30 pm
3.30-5.30 pm
Open Panel (short oral presentations by non-paper givers on their experiences in health work)
Friday, 23 March 2007
9.00 am
9.30-11.00 am
Panel 6: Women and Migration
Ratnawali Sinha (CSS, Surat)
Health Problems of Tribal Women and Their Access to Health Services: A Study from Gujarat
Chakraverti (Chandigarh)
Subjectivities and Resistances: A Study of Health Seeking Bbehaviour Aamong Gujjars in
11.00-11.30 am
11.30 am - 1.00 pm
Final Discussions by David Hardiman and Jan Breman
1.00 pm