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End of Life Care: Historical Approaches

14 June 2007
Organisers: Dr Michael Bevan and Dr Rodger Charlton (Medical School)

The workshop is linked to a project undertaken at the University of Warwick by Dr Rodger Charlton of the Medical School and Dr Michael Bevan of the Centre for the History of Medicine. The project is using archival sources and oral history to investigate the 'pre-history' of palliative care and education in Birmingham between 1930 and 1970. We are hoping to use the workshop to expand the topic thematically and chronologically so as to look at some of the wider aspects of end of life care in Britain. The issues around death and dying in modern Britain remains a fairly neglected field and we hope that the workshop will go someway to stimulating further work on the topic.


10.00 Coffee and registration

Morning Session

10.30-11.15 Michelle Winslow (Sheffield)
Foundations of the Modern Hospice Movement: The Historical Context, 1948-1967

11.15-12.00 Daniel Munday (Warwick)
The Parallel Emergence of Biographical Medicine in Primary and Terminal Care, 1948-1967

12.00-12.15 Coffee break

12.15-1.00 Rodger Charlton and Michael Bevan (Warwick)
The ‘Pre-History’ of Palliative Care and Education in Birmingham, 1930-1970

1.00-2.00 Lunch

Afternoon Session

2.00-2.45 Jason Szabo (McGill University / University of Paris)
The Plight of Incurables: 1860-1930

2.45-3.30 Elaine McFarland (Glasgow Caledonian)
Passing Time: Death in Late-Twentieth Century Scotland

3.30-3.45 Tea

3.450-4.15 Discussion and departure