Regimens of Health: Programme
Registration and Buffet Lunch (Graduate Space)
Keynote speaker
Chris Lawrence (UCL)
From mens sana in corpore sano to the couch potato
Session I: Health Regimes
Hilary Marland (Warwick)
'The Quality of Our Girl-life’: Health and the Schoolgirl in the Late-Nineteenth and Early-Twentieth Centuries
Neil Carter (DeMontfort)
Staying Healthy to Win: The Training of Professional Footballers
Drinks (Arts Centre)
Dinner (Kenilworth Restaurant)
Friday, 14 December
Session II: Alternatives to Bacteriological Medicine
Ian Miller
The Unhealthy British Stomach c.1880-1950
Evert Peeters (Leuven)
Nature’s Bodies and Science’s Laboratories: Vegetarianism and Health Promotion in the Fin-de-Siècle
Coffee Break
Session III: Parents’ Advice Literature
Angela Davis (Warwick)
‘The Natural Approach to Happy Motherhood’: Grantly Dick-Read, Natural Childbirth and Antenatal Education, c. 1930-1950
Anne Borsay (Swansea)
Advice for Parents: The Prevention and Management of Disability, c.1900 – 1960
Session IV: Society, Culture and Health
Vladimir Jancovic (Manchester)
Flannel Next the Skin: British Medicine and the Non-necessaries, c.1800
Vanessa Heggie (Manchester)
The History of Sports Medicine in Twentieth-Century Britain