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How can you tell? Interdisciplinary perspectives on sex difference

Specialist workshop
10 June 2004
Organiser: Dan O'Connor


First Morning Session
Chair: Thomas Laqueur (History, University of California, Berkeley)

Anthea Callen (Art History, Nottingham)
Butch buttocks: boxing and the body beautiful in Britain and France

Dan O'Connor (History of Medicine, Warwick)
Juice: Testosterone, Transsexuality, Muscles and Masculinity in the Twentieth Century

Second Morning Session
Chair: Rebecca Earle (Comparative American Studies, Warwick)

Cathy McClive (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes)
Bleeding Hermaphrodites and Menstruating Men in Early Modern France

Elizabeth Evans (English, Wisconsin-Madison)
The Strolling Spectacle: Gender and the Streets of Modernist London

Afternoon Session
Chair: Sarah Hodges (History of Medicine, Warwick)

Lutz Sauerteig (Centre for the History of Medicine and Disease, Durham)
Sex Education Literature and Doing Gender, 1960s-1970s

Gillian Bendelow (Sociology, Sussex) & Andrew Parker (Sociology, Warwick)
Sex Roles, Becks and Texts: Masculinity and the Emotions

