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An, Sooyoung

Miss Sooyoung An 안수영安洙英

Visiting PhD Student in the Global History and Culture Centre
Alternative email:


Baker, Tabitha


Dr Tabitha Baker

PhD completed in the Global History and Culture Centre
Supervised by Prof Giorgio Riello
Thesis: The Embroidery Trade in 18th Century France

Biswas, Somak

Dr Somak Biswas

PhD completed in the Global History and Culture Centre

Supervised by Dr Sarah Hodges

Bowman, Jack

Jack Bowman

PhD completed in the Global History and Culture Centre

Thesis: Colonial and Coloured Unity": A Global History of Anti-colonial Print, 1930-1970.

Supervised by Prof Dan Branch and Dr James Poskett



Chou, Shengfang


Dr Shengfang Chou

Completed her PhD in the Global History and Culture Centre

Thesis: Late Qing China and the British World: Space, Body and the Image of Empire 1840-1920

Supervised by Prof Anne Gerritsen



Dennett, Hannah

Hannah Dennett

PhD student in Global History and Culture Centre

Thesis: “Forgotten Foundlings”: Black Lives and the Eighteenth-Century Foundling Hospital

Funded by Midlands4Cities

Supervised by Prof Maxine Berg and Prof Rebecca Earle

Dyer, Serena

Serena Dyer

Dr Serena Dyer

Completed her PhD in the Global History and Culture Centre
Supervised by Professor Giorgio Riello
Thesis: Trained to Consume: Excess and Restraint in Women's Consumption of Dress, 1770-1830



Hutkova, Karolina
Karolina Hutkova

Dr Karolina Hutkova

PhD completed in the Global History and Culture Centre
Supervised by Professor Giorgio Riello
Thesis: Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Textiles in Europe and North America



Molenaar, Sander

Sander Molenaar

PhD completed in the Global History and Culture Centre
Supervised by Prof Anne Gerritsen


Patel, Josh


Reyes Baztán, Maria

Maria Reyes Baztán

PhD completed in Global History and Culture Centre

Thesis: 'Anti-colonial imagination and internationalism in Basque radical nationalism (1892-1939)'

Supervised by Professor Rebecca Earle and Dr Anna Ross



Tam, Bobby

Bobby Tam

PhD completed in Global History and Culture Centre

Thesis: Death and Emotions in Nineteenth-Century British Colonial China

Supervised by Dr. Song-Chuan Chen and Dr. Robert Fletcher

Tang, Hui
Hui Tang

Dr Hui Tang

PhD completed in the Global History and Culture Centre
Supervised by Professor Anne Gerritsen

Thesis: The colours of each piece : production and consumption of Chinese enamelled porcelain, c.1728-c.1780
Tierney, Josephine

Dr Josephine Tierney

Completed her PhD in the Global History and Culture Centre

Supervised by Prof Giorgio Riello
Thesis: Global Design Networks during Empire: the design and consumption of British printed textiles for export to Africa 1850-1914



Uribe Botta, Camilo

Camilo Uribe Botta

PhD Student in the Global History and Culture Centre

Thesis: Hunting Plants in the Northern Andes. The Commerce of Tropical Orchids between Colombia and the United Kingdom. 1843-1901

Supervised by Prof Rebecca Earle



Valerio, Liana-Beatrice


Dr Liana-Beatrice Valerio

Completed her PhD in the Global History and Culture Centre

Supervised by Dr Camilia Cowling and Prof Tim Lockley 
Thesis: Fear, Honour and Bravado: Slave Rebellions in the Elite White Male Psyche in South Carolina and Cuba



Winter, Holly


Ms Holly Winter

PhD Student in the Global History and Culture Centre

Thesis: Militaristic Masculinity, Material Culture and the Armies in India
Supervised by Prof Maxine Berg and Prof Rebecca Earle
