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3. The Enforced Movement of People and Slavery

1. lecture

The lecture will provide a general introduction to the theme of enforced migrations, with a particular focus on slavery.

2. seminar discussion

  • Should slavery be considered as a form of global 'connection'?
  • In what ways are Africa and the Americas connected through slavery?

3. core readings

  • Egerton, Douglas, 'The transatlantic slave trade and slavery in the America' in The Atlantic World: a History, 1400 to 1888 (2007)
  • Patrick Manning, Slave Trades, 1500-1800: Globalization of Forced Labour (1996). Volume 15 of An Expanding World, edited by A. J. Russell-Wood. (ed. and introduction).

4. essay questions

  • How can the history of slavery be integrated into global history?
  • Account for the significance of Africa in the Atlantic World.

5. further readings

  • Madeleine Dobie, Trading places: colonization and slavery in eighteenth-century French culture (2010)
  • Timothy Lockley, 'Slavery' in Encyclopaedia of Social Theory (2005)
  • Patrick Manning, 'Africa and the African Diaspora: New Directions of Study'; review of Rethinking the African Diaspora: The Making of a Black Atlantic World in the Bight of Benin and Brazil by Kristin Mann et al; The African Diaspora: African Origins and New World Identities by Isidore Okpewho et al. The Journal of African History 44.3(2003): 487-506.

6. podcasts

  • To be confirmed

7. external links


slavery map

A Liverpool Slave Ship

'A Liverpool Slave Ship' about 1780, by William Jackson (active about 1770-1803) Oil on canvas, 102cm x 127cm, Accession number MMM 1964.227.2;

Below: Venetian 'slave' bead (C19); Victoria and Albert Museum collectionVenetian slave bead