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Faculty Interdisciplinary Research Themes Survey

After extended discussion through HoDs Forum, the Arts Faculty Research and Impact Committee, and the Faculty Assembly, we have now finalised our new set of interdisciplinary Faculty Research Themes. We now want to get a sense of who among us is interested in which themes. If you click HERELink opens in a new window, it will take to a simple menu where we ask you to tick up to two themes from the list which correspond best to your research. Ticking these themes commits you to nothing, and you can change your mind later – we simply would like to get a sense of the lie of the land across the Faculty.

As the themes are, by design, not described in terms that link them to particular disciplines, cultural genres or historical periods, you may find it helpful to refer to this linked gloss indicating the kinds of work that might find a place within these themesLink opens in a new window.

In case it is helpful, you can see details of the themes developed by the two other Faculties as part of their ‘grand challenges’ hereLink opens in a new window (FSS) and hereLink opens in a new window (FSEM), and details of the University’s overarching ‘Spotlights’ programme here. Like the other Faculties, we will be exploring how best to link up our autonomously defined themes with the resources attached to the University’s Spotlights programme.

Our Faculty themes are:

    • Energy, Environment, Climate, Resilience
    • Radical Traditions
    • Medical Humanities
    • Geographies and Materialities of Cultural Exchange
    • Creative and Cultural Industries
    • Intelligence and Experience

We would be grateful if you could complete the survey by 5pm on Friday 2 February.