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CANCELLED Research Seminar - Dr. Hagar Kotef, SOAS University of London

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Location: OC1.08

“The colonizing self; or, home and
homelessness in Israel/Palestine”

Abstract TBC
Hagar Kotef is a Senior Lecturer in Political Theory and
Comparative Political Thought at SOAS University of
London. Her book Movement and the Ordering of
Freedom (Duke, 2015) examines the roles of mobility and
immobility in the history of political thought and the
structuring of political spaces: from the writings of Locke,
Hobbes, and Mill to the sophisticated technologies of
control that circumscribe the lives of Palestinians in the
Occupied West Bank. Currently, she works on the
construction of political belonging in settler colonies, for a
book tentatively titled The Settler Self (Or: Home and
Homelessness in Israel/Palestine). Her work was published
in various journals, including Critical Inquiry, Political
Theory, Antipode, Theory Culture & Society, Politics & Gender,
and Signs, as well as in a number of edited volumes.

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