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Composite calendar

This is a composite calendar page template pulling in feeds from events calendars in department and research centre sites. It is purely used as a tool to collect the event details before filtering through to a publicly-visible calendar filter page template. To remove or add a feed to this composite calendar, please contact the IT Services Web Team (webteam at warwick dot ac dot uk).

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Study Café Special: Reflective Practice for Arts and Humanities Students

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What has your learning experience been like so far and what are your goals for the future? As the academic year wraps up, we are inviting all Faculty of Arts students to two afternoon workshops dedicated to self-reflection.

Set yourself up for success by increasing your self-awareness and gaining clarity about your goals. Whether you’re choosing modules for the next year, thinking about which society to join, or whether to apply for a job – self-reflection is a skill that is integral for any successful creative, professional, and academic practice. It enables you to critically review your current and previous progress and to engage in a continuous process of adaptation and learning.

Sign-up and more info here.


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