Faculty of Arts Events Calendar
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
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Work in Progress Seminar - Abby Wall (Warwick, UK)Oculus 1.03‘Animal symbols & collective identity: emblems of the legions on Roman coins’ |
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Holocaust Memorial Day talk: Zoe Waxman (Oxford), Women’s Bodies as a Site of GenocideOC 1.01, Oculus BuildingHolocaust Memorial Day talk organised in cooperation with the European Research Centre, the Student Union, Chaplaincy, and the Jewish Student Society. Thinking about both the women who survived and who did not survive the Holocaust demonstrates that especially under extreme conditions gender continues to operate as an important arbiter of experience. Whilst men and women were both sentenced to the same fate, gender nevertheless operated as a crucial signifier for survival. |
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Study Cafe - supported study time for studentsFAB M0.02 |
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French Research Seminar: Nick Nesbitt (Princeton)Online - Teams |