FAB Fest Activity Schedule
FAB Fest Activities Schedule
Join us at midday for the official opening of the new Faculty of Arts building followed by FAB Fest, featuring a whole host of activities to celebrate arts and creativity on campus. There’ll be live music, student performances and a range of workshops, activities and drop-in events running mostly from 12.30pm to 5pm, with live music continuing until 9pm. Take a look at some of the activities that will be taking place below, or come along and wander around the building on the day to see what you can find!
If you’re planning to attend, please register your interestLink opens in a new window in the event, so that we can cater for as many of our attendees as possible.
Please note that some activities will also require a booking. These events will have a booking link alongside their descriptions below.

Opening Ceremony
12.00-12.35, FAB Agora
Join us for a half-hour spectacle to celebrate the official opening of the new Faculty of Arts Building. The Agora of the FAB will have short performances across its 5 floors to represent each of the departments in the Faculty. It will also include a short speech from alumni Lawrence Till (Screen Director) and from the Provost and Chair of Faculty. The poem that adorns the Agora’s walls will be read by Raymond Antrobus and together we’ll raise a glass to the future of the Faculty at Warwick. And yes – there will be fizz on a first-come, first-served basis!

Senate House Stage
12.30-21.00, Senate House Lawn
Join us in the sun on Senate House Lawn to hear some of the best bands here at Warwick. BandSoc have put together an exciting programme of acts covering a range of music genres to enjoy from lunchtime until evening. So - grab a drink, bring a picnic, and enjoy what we hope will be the start of a great summer on campus.
Take a look at some of the bands and artists that will be performing.Link opens in a new window

Agora Stage
12.45-17.00, FAB Agora
Programmed by students from the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures, the Agora’s stage will have a range of acts all afternoon – from Musical Theatre tunes to theatre performances and K-pop dance - you’re in for a treat.
Take a look at some of the performances that will be taking place.Link opens in a new window
Photo credit: Bowmer + Kirkland.

Afternoon Tea
15.00-16.30, Senate House Lawn
What better way to enjoy the student performances on Senate House Lawn and in the Agora than having it accompanied with a scone, jam and cream? From 3pm we’ll be serving these sweet treats on a first-come, first-served basis to attendees.

Stage Combat Workshop
13.00-13.45, 14.00-14.45, 15.00-15.45 and 16.00-16.45, FAB 5.01-3
Touch gloves and take a corner! It's time for a rumble at Warwick. Enjoy a drop in workshop from Squire Stage Combat and test your mettle against your fellow staff and students. Starting on the hour every hour from 13.00-16.00, these bookable 45 minute taster sessions are run by professional stunt performers and cover the basics of both armed and unarmed stage combat. With credits from The National Theatre, Glyndebourne and Marvel Studios, fight director Mark Ruddick is looking forward to returning to Warwick for an afternoon of swashbuckling. Choreograph, perform and shoot your own fight sequence. Choose your opponent and let's make this look good!
Please book a sessionLink opens in a new window in advance or drop-in spaces will also be available on the day on a first-come, first-served basis.

Pop-Up Escape Room: World Without Art
13.00-14.00, 14.30-15.30 and 16.00-17.00, Floor 6
Imagine a world without art? Come play in a dystopic pop-up escape room where you and your friends have one hour to solve fiendish puzzles and follow cryptic clues.
Please note the Pop-Up Escape Rooms are now fully booked and we are unable to accept any more bookings. You can still get together with your friends, or on your own, and tackle our escape-room-style 'Immersive Trail: World Without Art' in your own time instead - details below.
If you would still like to attend our pop-up Escape Rooms we may be able to offer places on a first-come, first-served basis at the beginning of the event. Head to Floor 6 to find out if any other places have come available.

Bridgerton Dance Workshop
13.00-13.45 and 14.00-14.45, FAB 0.16 and 0.18 (Rehearsal Rooms, Ground Floor)
Heidi Ashton (Cultural and Media Policy Studies) worked on series one of Bridgerton assisting in the development and style of the dances. Regency dances were social by nature, so be ready to mark up your dance card, join in the dancing and hear about the development of Bridgerton dances from historical origins to Netflix scandal.
Please note these sessions are now fully booked. If you would still like to attend we may be able to offer some walk-up places on a first-come, first-served basis at the beginning of the workshop.

Immersive Trail: World Without Art
12.30-17.00, FAB Floor 6
Imagine a future where art has been banned and a lone group of creatives fights back. Follow a set of clues left by the resistance to unlock a mysterious safe hidden somewhere in the FAB.
This activity is self-guided in your own time, and can be started from Floor 6 of the FAB.

Antiquities Room Showcase - Show and Tell
13.00-15.00, FAB 2.23
Come along to our fantastic Antiquities Room to discover more about our ancient artefact collection. From 13.00 you can come and learn about our ancient Greek and Roman pottery collection and the work we do with outreach, and from 14.00 you can come and handle some ancient Greek and Roman coins with our resident expert Dr Clare Rowan.
Print Making Linocut Workshop
13.30-14.30 and 15.00-16.00 FAB 2.25
Explore a display of prints from the University art collection alongside the tools that would have been used to create them and be inspired to create your own print.
If you book onto the workshop, we will have all of the equipment available for you to create your own linocut. No previous knowledge of linocutting is necessary, as we will be on hand to guide you through the process.
Please note these sessions are now fully booked. If you would still like to attend we may be able to offer some walk-up places on a first-come, first-served basis at the beginning of the workshop.

Aerial Arts Drop-In and Performances
12.30-16.30, Senate House Lawn
Get up in the air and try something new with Rebel Manifesto Aerial. The Earlsdon based aerial school will have their professional tutors on hand for you to try out different aerial equipment such as the hoop and the hammock. There will also be short performances from the aerialists throughout the afternoon to inspire and amaze you.

Poetry Workshop on Truth Telling with Raymond Antrobus
14.15-15.15, FAB 2.43
Join us for a poetry workshop with Raymond Antrobus. In the session, you'll look at contemporary and classic poetry and use stimulus to generate your own poems.
Antrobus was commissioned to write the poem for our building, which now adorns the wall of its Agora.
Book your space using the link hereLink opens in a new window.

Coventry Creates Showcase
12.30-16.30, FAB M0.07
A digital exhibition of creative work by local artists, each was an interpretation of academic research from the University of Warwick and Coventry University.
The collaborative commissions explore how Covid-19 has impacted hospice care, what museum closures mean to communities, whether artificial intelligence can create art, how we can promote respectful interactions around names, what an ideal society looks like for women of colour, and more.

Roman Cookery Workshops
12.45-15.30, FAB 2.61
Our Roman Cookery Workshop will introduce you to some authentic dishes from ancient Rome and ancient Greece. Drop in and try your hand at preparing some simple dishes such as cabbage 'the Athenian way', 'Vitellian' peas, lentils and the honey and nut sweets. Come along and taste what is on offer and gain an authentic experience of eating in the ancient world.

Family History Workshop
12.30-16.30, FAB 1.12
Do you want to research your family tree but don’t know where to start? Have you already made a start and found yourself stuck at a particular point and need some help? Or perhaps you have exhausted online resources and want to know what information you might find at your local archives. Come along to the Family History Workshop for research advice, informative leaflets and an opportunity to search some of the most popular online websites for free!
As well as welcoming drop-in visitors, bookable introductory sessions will start at 14.00 and 15.00. Book your place for one of these. Link opens in a new window

Homeless Monopoly
12.30-16.00, FAB Mezzanine
‘Homeless Monopoly’ is a giant version of a prototype board game designed to explore the potential of arts methodologies and gamification to help challenge stereotypes, raise awareness and provoke discussion around the issues faced by those who are or are at risk of homelessness. The game was developed with Coventry University’s Disruptive Media Learning Lab, the homeless charity, Coventry Cyrenians and features real-life scenarios discussed with service-users, volunteers and staff. Come along, throw the giant dice and get talking about this pressing social issue.

Virtual Reality Art and Music Studio
12.30-16.30, FAB 1.63 Media Symposium and adjacent social space
Using Oculus Quest VR headsets we will fill a virtual space with sculptures. Paint in space using brushes, spray cans, 3D shapes, rainbows, stars, fire and more. Your session will start with an orientation briefing - no experience necessary. You will be looked after by a facilitator. Recommended length in VR: 5-10 minutes. From outside of VR, watch the artwork develop on our big screen.
There will also be opportunities to try out the latest VR music making app.

Creative Chillout
12.30-15.30, FAB 4.01
This interactive session explores how creativity and art relate to our wellbeing. During busy or stressful periods, allowing ourselves a little time for simple, playful and intuitive art activities can encourage relaxation. Take your pen for a walk, try mindfulness exercises, mandala colouring, and other activities to engage and inspire different senses.
Campus Rewind
12.30-16.30, FAB 1.11
Come celebrate the new with the old and step back in time with the Modern Record Centre. Flick through back issues of the Boar, marvel at the original University charter and discover the green fields of campus past. Drop in and browse a whole array of archival material, take part in our caption competition and pick up a free MRC postcard.

Slow Stitch and Breathe with Julia O'Connell
12.30-15.30, FAB 3.35
Drop-in to join award winning textile artist, Julia O’Connell, for a unique slow stitch workshop. You will be guided to make your mark with needle and thread onto cloth. The drop-in workshop will focus on the connection between cloth and stitch, silence and breath. All materials provided.

Faculty Taster Lecture Programme: 15 Minute Shorts
13.00-16.30, FAB 0.08
Have you always wondered what lectures from other departments are like? Or are you just curious about all things? Join us for an afternoon of taster lectures from across the Arts Faculty from English and History; to History of Art and Film. This programme is made up of 15 or 20 minute mini-lectures and you can drop in and out as you please.
Take a look at the programmeLink opens in a new window, which will also be displayed outside the Lecture Theatre during the afternoon.

Ceramics Talk with Matthew Raw
14.30-15.15, FAB 0.03
Join the FAB mural artist for his first public presentation about the breath-taking artwork adorning the entrance to the building. Matt Raw will discuss the journey from idea to installation - an adventure that starts and finishes in Coventry. The journey involved collaborating with international partners and also with local school children. His huge ceramic mural of many colours, Faith in the Miraculous, reflects everything we hope the new building will help bring to life – collaboration, creativity and innovation.
Photo credit: Marina Castagna

Ceramics Workshop with Matthew Raw
15.30-16.15, FAB 2.43
Join the FAB mural artist for an easy-to-engage-in workshop inspired by his techniques as a ceramicist playing with colour. Beginners (and professional sculpture artists too) can join Matt Raw to hear more about his process creating the breath-taking colourful creation adorning the entrance to the building. You can have a go at blending colours and come away with your very own little creation to remember the launch of the Faculty of Arts Building and its iconic mural, Faith in the Miraculous.
Attendees are encouraged to arrive at 15 minute intervals, please book a time slotLink opens in a new window if you wish to join.

SCAPVC Research Showcase
12.30-17.00, FAB M0.02 (Mezzanine)
We are working on diverse and impactful research that engages with multiple publics; and is sustained by multiple collaborations, networks and partnerships with the creative and cultural industries in the UK and beyond including museums, galleries, heritage sites and organizations, media industries, theatres and community groups, as well as with individual industry professionals and creative practitioners.
Come and see, read, chat about some of what we are doing in SCAPVC - look at samples of works published, Creative outputs, Social Impact projects, films - and chat to some of the researchers...

Delphic Tree Ceremony
15.00, Delphic Area
We will be holding a ceremony to dedicate the Delphic trees beside the FAB. These trees, grown from seeds from the Sanctuary of Delphi in Greece, have been gifted to the University by the Greek Press Association UK in recognition of the work of Professor Michael Scott, himself an honorary citizen of Delphi. Michael will be present to say a few words. As part of the dedication there will also be an ancient Greek libation ceremony (pouring of wine and honey) and a reading from ancient Greek texts. So do come along.

Making our Mark: Warwick Arts Research Out in the World
12.00-16.00, FAB2.37
Warwick arts and humanities research is making an impact and forging connections across the region and around the world. With support from national and international funders and collaborations with a variety of sectors, the Faculty of Arts at Warwick is truly a hub for practice-changing ideas and boundary-pushing approaches.
Join us to find out more about ways in which our researchers are engaging with the world beyond academia by making unique, invaluable contributions to social justice, education, policy-making and creativity. Learn about the partners and beneficiaries of different research projects, and celebrate our fantastic track record in securing high-profile funding for novel and transformative work. You will also be able to find out how the Impact and Development teams support researchers so their work has the greatest possible reach.

Artwork Tours
12.45-15.45, Ground Floor Agora
The Faculty of Arts Building (FAB) has been filled with works of art from the University’s collection around the theme of Witness. Each of the works speaks to the disciplines housed within the Faculty. Join the University’s Curator, Sarah Shalgosky, and her brilliant team, on a tour around the FAB’s collection to gain an appreciation of the intriguing artworks that now adorn the building’s walls.
Tours leave every hour from 12.45 until 3.45pm from the ground floor ‘FAB Art Work Tours Meeting Point’.
Please book your placeLink opens in a new window in advance or walk-up spaces will be available on a first-come, first-served basis on the day.
Image: 'There exists no such thing as a spoiled dress.' by Jadé Fadojutimi, courtesy the artist and Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, London.

Building Tours
12.45-16.15, Ground Floor Agora
Join our student ambassadors for a tour around the FAB and see some of the building’s specialist facilities, from the Theatre Studios and Media Lab, to the Antiquities Room and Screening Spaces. The tour will culminate on the 5th Floor Terrace, with stunning views across campus.
Tours leave every 30 mins from 12.45 until 4.15pm from the ground floor ‘FAB Building Tours Meeting Point’.
Photo credit: Bowmer + Kirkland.

Faculty Book Launch
13.00-16.00, FAB 3.31
This event celebrates new books published by academics from across the Departments, Schools and Centres of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, featuring monographs and edited collections that range from first works by early career researchers to the latest publications by Warwick's world-leading scholars. Come and hear about the most recent, cutting-edge research from the authors themselves!
Take a look at the schedule to find out more.Link opens in a new window

12.00-17.00, Mezzanine Floor
Facepainting is definitely not just for kids. Embrace the spirit of the day and have your face painted for free by one of our three artists. Lion? Clown? Fairy? Or a combination of the three perhaps? Just drop in and join the queue.

Ghost Town
12.30-16.30, FAB M0.10
Cities are haunted places: they are haunted by the ghosts of people, buildings, businesses, ideas, of things which once stood and now no longer remain. These traces of the haunted city might be slowly lost to the passing of time, but the city is also vividly recalled in another haunted place: the television archive. The Centre for Television Histories’ Ghost Town project has traced how Coventry’s history persists as ghostly traces in the television archive: glimpses of people, places, stories, and snapshots that have been captured and preserved. Through a number of civic screenings (hauntings) all over Coventry, Ghost Town has unleashed the city’s ghosts and brought past, present, and future Coventry into dialogue up to, and into, our year as City of Culture.
Drop into our rolling screening of archival programmes from Coventry’s televisual past and chat to the team about the project and what they’ve learned about the city and the importance of the television archive.

Terrace Views
13.00-17.00, Floor 5 Terrace
Make your way up to Floor 5 where you'll find access to a terrace with views across campus and beyond. If the sun is shining, this will be a great place to hang out for the afternoon.

Warwick Alumni and Friends
12.30-16.30, Ground Floor Agora
As a Warwick graduate, you’re part of a global network of over 264,000 alumni from over 190 countries. Wherever life takes you, you’re never too far from another Warwick alumnus you can connect with.
Visit our stand and speak with members of the Alumni Engagement team to find out more about the opportunities, resources, and events available to you as a member of our alumni community.

Animation: from Origins to Today
12.30-16.30, FAB M0.09
Animation has been a part of cinema since its inception. Beginning as a way to experiment with the new medium in the late 1800s, animation developed from trick photography to newspaper comic inspired shorts. Disney established itself in the late 1920s, helping to industrialise animation and set the form with which many recognise animation today - bright and colourful films with cute animals and made for children. This shorts programme will show a diverse group of animated shorts from early cinema to today, featuring Gertie the Dinosaur, Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny and many others.

Book Swap: Take a Book, Leave a Book.
12.30-4.30, FAB 1.15
Just finished your latest read? Why not swap it for another? Join us for a book swap event here on campus. Use this opportunity to meet people with similar literary interests and pick up some free texts! You can donate as many or as few as you'd like so if you're itching to get rid of books taking up space, we'll happy accept all donations.
But if you have nothing to swap, you're still welcome to attend. Any books left over will be donated either to OXFAM or to our local Warwickshire library in Leamington Spa.

Welcome to the Language Centre: Language Tasters
13.00-16.30, FAB 4.79
Welcome to the Language Centre! Welcome to the World!
Ever thought of starting a new language? Join us for free language taster sessions (for beginners) – all designed to be fun and interactive, whilst also an opportunity to learn!
Sessions will take place:
- 13.00-13.30 German
- 13.30-14.00 Chinese
- 14.00-14.30 Russian
- 14.30-15.00 Japanese
- 15.00-15.30 Arabic
- 15.30-16.00 French
- 16.00-16.30 Spanish
Please book your placeLink opens in a new window in advance for these sessions. A number of drop-in spaces will also be available on the day.

Welcome to the Language Centre: Workshops and Games
13.00-17.00, FAB 4.03
We are now based in our new home and invite you to join us to celebrate and discover our new spaces!
There will be sessions to find out more about our cultures and languages including drop-in workshops and games – all designed to be fun and interactive, whilst also an opportunity to learn!
Sessions taking place are:
- 13.30-14.00 Japanese Origami
- 14.00-14.30 Chinese Calligraphy
- 14.30-15.00 Arabic Calligraphy
- 15.00-16.30 Games and Karaoke

S’MAG Magazine Creative Workshop
12.30-16.30, FAB1.37
We are a new student-run intersectional feminist magazine that aims to uplift minoritized voices. Join us to contribute to a collage alongside our illustrators and get featured in our next magazine issue. We'll also be running a “hot takes board”, where you can comment on (or argue) with our writer’s controversial opinions.

Designing the FAB: Architect's Talk
15.30-16.15, Room FAB 0.03
Hear about the building's journey from conception to reality in this talk, hosted by the team behind the design of the Faculty of Arts Building. You'll undoubtedly leave with a greater appreciation of our building.

Stars, Sieves and Women’s Stories: An Interactive Exhibition
12.30-15.30, Floor 3 Agora
Can the magical methods of the past foretell your future? Drop in on the third floor of the FAB for a fun, interactive exhibition that explores methods of fortune telling in early modern Britain (c.1500-1800). If you want to know the prospects for your health, career, romantic life or anything else, we (may) have the answers!

Warwick Institute for Engagement: "Have Your Say"
12.30-16.00, Ground Floor Agora
The Warwick Institute of Engagement (WIE) will be on hand to talk about their work and to collect your comments and feedback about your experience of FABFest. The WIE Team might even have some goodies for you to take away, so make sure you pop by our stand before you leave.

Emerging from Lockdown
12.00-17.00, FAB Agora Ground Floor
A photography exhibition and film screening bringing Coventry stories of a city emerging from lockdown to life.
Local voices telling a global story of how the pandemic impacted their every day lives.
Through research, creative story-telling and photography, this exhibition and screening exposes the impact that various lockdowns had on people across the city and reflects on how it feels to return to some form of normal life.
The result is Emerging from Lockdown - a moving and powerful film about ordinary people in extraordinary times.

People’s History of the NHS
12.30-16.30, FAB 3.25
Come along to learn about the Centre for the History of Medicine’s People’s History of the NHSLink opens in a new window. The event will give you a taster of some of the ways we investigated popular the public’s relationship towards an institution that has been described as ‘the closest thing we now have to a religion’. Test your knowledge in our NHS Quiz. And contribute to a collective exercise in imagining a Museum of the NHS.

Take Me Down to the Paradise City: The Hortus Conclusus and Transdisciplinary Gardens
12.30-16.30, FAB 3.29
This session will introduce students to the medieval and Renaissance idea of the hortus conclusus or closed paradise garden. It will combine aspects of theology, art history, and literature to explore how garden design was freighted with ideological significance in the late middle ages and renaissance periods. You will also have the opportunity to design your own twenty-first century paradise garden.
Sessions will run 12.30-13.30 and 13.45-14.45 followed by more informal drop-ins from 15.00-16.30.

School of Modern Languages and Cultures Choir: A Sing Along
14.30-15.15, FAB 3.32
The SMLC choir is an informal gathering of linguists who like to have a go at singing music from different languages represented in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures. Singing taps into the soul of a culture, and it's good for you, too, so join us as we practise a variety of folk songs, rounds and other music in a spirit of conviviality.

Following Islam through German Culture
12.30-17.00, FAB 3.26
This free-standing exhibition invites you to look at the Islamic world through the eyes of the German-speaking world. Based on research by Dr James Hodkinson, it takes you on a journey through the first phase of modern German history, starting around 1770 and moving through to the end of the First World War in 1918. You will encounter diverse cultural products, images and texts, in which contrasting ideas and images of Islam and Muslims are presented and shown to evolve across the period - and there will even be a chance to watch some documentary film footage and get your hands on some authentic materials! Throughout, targeted questions will prompt visitors, both Muslims and non-Muslims, to reflect on how these ideas relate to their own experiences, understanding and perception of Islam and the UK today.

12.30-17.00, FAB 4.74
This small exhibition of twelve elegies offers a reflection on the last few years of illness, isolation, and war. Visitors are encouraged to visit the space to spend quiet time with the elegies, which are posted on the walls. Next to each poem is a short introduction by Professor Emma Mason, Head of English and Comparative Literary Studies, to help guide your reading.

Warwick in Venice Showcase
12.30-16.30, FAB 3.36
Experience Warwick’s Venice term through the eyes of our staff and students! Since 1967, a group of Warwick History students – joined from 1976 by Warwick History of Art students – have visited the city of Venice every autumn term.
Students have a unique opportunity to study the history, art and architecture of this great Mediterranean city while experiencing living in it. Venice is perfect for students of history and art history since its Medieval and Renaissance fabric has changed so little in the last four hundred years.
Come along and view our slideshow of photos from the Venice term which shows what our students experience.

SCAPVC: Student Film Showcase
12.30-16.30, FAB 1.13
Drop-in to see some of the student films created within the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures over the last 2 years.

Meet Your Caricature
14.00-17.00, Floor 2 Agora
If you’re up for a laugh, pop along to see our caricaturist. Spend a short time with them while they sketch you, and see how they send you up. You get to leave with a free copy of your caricature too!

Warwick Award Drop-in
12.30-16.30, Ground Floor Agora
It’s never too early to start thinking about what you might do after graduation, and what skills you need to do it. The brand-new Warwick Award can help you do just that – come and discover more about the Award, how you can join our Pilot, and chat to the Award team about what skills might be most useful for a career in the Arts.

Vocal Keep Fit
14.00-14.45 and 15.00-`5.45, FAB 0.19 (Studio, Ground Floor)
Whether you love singing or have never tried it before, this vocal session is all inclusive. With fun warm ups and songs that explore the voice there will be opportunities to improvise, sing in different languages and learn new harmonies. Passionate about people singing together, Suzzie Vango’s high-energy vocal workshops have gained her an international reputation as a vocal leader, working with singers of all ages around the world.
Please book your preferred time slotLink opens in a new window or a number of drop-in spaces will also be available on the day.

Introducing the Faculty of Arts Building (FAB): A Video
12-5, FAB 2.36
Pop in to view a newly-released short video about the creation of the FAB. Hear from the architects about the design process and from students and staff about how the building is working in reality.

Ukulele Workshop
12.45-13.30, 14.00-14.45 and 15.15-16.00, FAB 5.49 (English Social Space)
Come and try ukulele today! This wonderful accessible instrument is open to all comers. No previous experience necessary, just a fun way to learn your favourite songs. Whether you're interested in playing classic musichall pieces or brand new material from your favourite tik-tok songs the ukulele is a great way to start.
Please book a sessionLink opens in a new window in advance, or a number of drop-in spaces will also be available on the day.

The Craft of Songwriting, with Ellie Gowers
15.30-17.00, FAB 0.16-0.18 (Rehearsal Room, Ground Floor)
Fresh from recording her debut album surrounding Warwickshire folklore and stories, Ellie Gowers will be delving into the craft of songwriting. This workshop will look at finding your voice, overcoming writer’s block, trying out new songwriting techniques, and embracing limitations. A workshop not just for the experienced songwriter, but also for those looking to try their hand at it. Please feel free to bring instruments along and any songs you have, finished or unfinished.
Please book a sessionLink opens in a new window in advance, or a number of drop-in spaces will also be available on the day.

Beatbox 101: Explore a World of Sound with James Botcher
13.30-14.15 and 15.30-16.15, FAB 3.30
Have you ever wondered if there's more you can do with the voice than speak or sing? Come along to this interactive workshop to discover just that.
The session will focus on making beatbox accessible to everyone. Any sound you can make and any word you can say can be used. Making noise is encouraged!
Please book a sessionLink opens in a new window in advance, or a number of drop-in spaces will also be available on the day.

Connecting with Photography Using Your Smart Phone or Camera
13.00-14.00 and14.14-15.15, FAB 4.52
We often use the camera for occasions, selfies, or social media content, however, do we use the camera enough to document places, people, and our everyday encounters? This workshop will look at the methods of photography for a purpose, to help develop techniques and a tool to build a better understanding of a subject, environment, and form of expression. We will discuss our thoughts on photography and learn better ways to create a sense of urgency and communication.
Please book a sessionLink opens in a new window in advance, or a number of drop-in spaces will also be available on the day.

Let’s Animate: Drop-In Animation Workshop
12.30-16.30, FAB 1.01
Come along to The Let’s Animate mobile animation studio and have a go at making your very own stop frame animated movie using plasticine.
All created films are taken away, edited and sent back to filmmakers as well as being uploaded to The Let’s Animate YouTube Channel to share with friends and families.

Learn to speak Latin like a Renaissance Humanist
14.15-14.45 and 15.15-15.45, FAB 2.38
During the session we will read a dialogue by Erasmus of Rotterdam alongside an English translation and learn how to greet others and ask some basic questions.

12.30-16.30, Theatre Studies Foyer, Ground Floor
Snap a selfie, print it, shred it, and mash up the pixels to create crazy selfie mosaics to take away. ROFL at the mangled mess that emerges when you use a pasta machine to drop the image resolution on a physical print. If you squint, they’re all the same photo…kinda.

Shadow Painting
12.30-16.30, FAB 0.20
Use a combination of light painting, stop frame animation and selfie poses to create wild animated GIFs. Pose alone or with friends, get creative with LED lights and make some colourful content to share online. And maybe pick up some new photography skills along the way.

Lo-Fi Filters
12.30-16.30, Theatre Studies Foyer, Ground Floor
How important is play to you? Grab your fat marker pens to design your own protest banner and we’ll help you turn it into an animated selfie filter with Augmented Reality. Hi-tech stuff with a hand-drawn look.

Film Screenings: Hosted by Student Cinema and Film Soc
12.30-18.00, FAB M0.21 (Cinema)
12:45 - All That Heaven Allows
14:45 - Monster Hunter
16:45 - Singin' in the Rain