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Arts UG Module Fair

Module Fair

Representatives will be present from across our Arts departments and disciplines: Classics & Ancient History, Cultural Media Policy Studies, Design Studies, English & Comparative Literary Studies, Film & Television Studies, Global Sustainable Development, History, History of Art, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages and the Language Centre, Theatre and Performance Studies, Warwick Writing Programme.

Also present will be representatives from IATL, WIISP, Warwick Business School's Gateway to Business, School of Law, Department of Law, SELCs - Teaching Education and Education Studies, Warwick Award, Student Opportunity, as well as colleagues from the Arts Study Cafe and the Digital Arts and Humanities Lab.

See the Module Fair Floor Plan to easily locate the various Departments and other representatives on the day!

Module Fair

The Arts Faculty is holding a UG elective choice module fair on Tuesday, 30th April 2024 from 13.00 - 16.00 in the FAB on the ground floor and on the mezzanine.

The fair is aimed at first year and second year UG students choosing their elective modules for the following year.

Also at the fair will be representatives from a range of University student opportunity providers for all to find out about.

Ahead of the Fair, please see below the elective module information from the various Departments and Disciplines that will attend the fair.

Please be reminded that closing dates for module registration will vary across Departments. Please be sure to speak to Departments about their closing deadlines and any pre-requisites for their modules. Finally, please ensure you consult your home Department and Personal Tutor about the options you are considering.

We look forward to seeing you at the Faculty of Arts Module Fair on Tuesday 30th April!

Centre for Education Studies

Available modules for 2024/25 are yet to be updated.

Classics and Ancient History

Cross Faculty Studies - comprised of Global Sustainable Development (GSD), Design Studies and Liberal Arts

English and Comparative Literary Studies

School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures (SCAPVC) which includes, History of Art, Warwick Writing Programme, Theatre and Performance Studies, Film and Television


Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL)


Centre for the Study of the Renaissance

School of Law

School of Modern Languages and Cultures (SMLC), which included the Language Centre

Warwick Business School