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Business Meeting 2013

Present: Karen Pratt (President), Jane Gilbert (Treasurer), Genette Ashby-Beach (guest), Rosalind Brown-Grant, Bill Burgwinkle, Emma Cayley, Elizabeth Dearnley, Rebecca Dixon, Simon Gaunt, Patricia Harris Stäblein Gillies, Eleanor Hodgson, Hannah Morcos, David Murray, Linda M. Paterson, Ad Putter, Paola Scarpini, Dorothy Severin, Jane Taylor, Gemma Wheeler (member-in-waiting!)


  1. Apologies for absence
    Apologies had been received from Linda Gowans (Bibliographer), Miranda Griffin (Secretary), Finn Sinclair. Apologies were later received from Eliza Hoyer-Millar.
  2. Announcements
    The recent death of the following medievalists and (in some cases) members was noted, and a brief silence observed in their honour:
    Alan Deyermond, Dennis Green, Timothy McFarland, Peter Ricketts, Olive Sayce, Stephen Reckert, Ian McPherson.
  3. Minutes of the previous meeting (circulated)
    The minutes were accepted, with some minor corrections: Simon Gaunt was present at the meeting; some typos were picked up.
  4. Matters arising
    Matters arising are covered under other items on this agenda.
  5. President’s report
    - The President’s Newsletter of July 2012 was included for reference.
    - Emma Cayley is stepping down as International Secretary; Rebecca Dixon has kindly agreed to take up the post. The Branch’s thanks and congratulations were offered to both.
    - British Bibliographers: the President thanked Linda Gowans for her on-going work on the Bibliography, and congratulated her on the submission for the most recent Encomia. She reported that Bex Lyons has joined the bibliographical team, to cover items relating to English literature. We would still be grateful for the help of any members who can cover the following areas:
    Art History/Architecture;
    Collections (i.e. someone to look out for multi-authored volumes and advise
    Linda, who can then contact the relevant team members or authors).
    - In addition, members are asked to send details of their publications on courtly subjects, along with a short abstract, to the relevant Bibliographers. For items published in the UK and Ireland, to Linda Gowans,
    Items published in other countries should be sent to the appropriate bibliographers, who are listed in the most recent Encomia. Alternatively, details can be sent directly to the International Bibliographer, Prof. Logan Whalen,
  6. Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports
    - The issue of London Library membership for Linda Gowans as Bibliographer still needs attention, but requires an update on the financial situation first.
    - Encomia: Emma Cayley, outgoing International Secretary, reported that plans are on-going for the move to online publication.
    - Membership: various possibilities for attracting and retaining new members were discussed. It was agreed that more needs to be done to target English Studies, and the 1995 Congress in Belfast was mentioned particularly. For younger or early career members, some special sessions at conference were suggested (networking, master-classes), and recent initiatives by the International Arthurian Society mentioned as models. It would be helpful if members had ideas for how to target these or other constituencies. A discounted rate for signing up for several years should be considered.
    - The financial question of fees and reduced rates will need to be reviewed when the Treasurer’s report is available. The possibility of inviting donations was again raised.
    - It was decided that 1 June would be the subscription date. Reminders will be sent out in advance by the Treasurer or Secretary.
    - No Treasurer’s report was circulated, and no statement of accounts is currently accessible, due to complications arising from the hand-over between Finn Sinclair and Jane Gilbert. A report will be circulated as soon as possible.
    - Website: Paola Scarpini and Eleanor Hodgson have kindly offered to take over the website; Paola has updated it to reflect the current contacts, etc. (it is in html and therefore relatively easy to change). She floated interesting ideas for improving it, including the possibility of moving it to a Wordpress site, for which the Branch would need to buy the domain name. Other social media were also suggested, with Eleanor Hodgson and Gemma Wheeler offering to lead. The Branch’s warm thanks were expressed to all those volunteering. The President, Secretary and Treasurer will further discuss this with them. Members are asked to write to Paola, with links that they would like to advertise on the website.
  7. Branch meetings 2014 and 2015
    Emma Cayley has kindly offered to host the Branch meeting in Exeter, 14th and 15th April 2014, and has pre-booked some accommodation (in Holland Hall) for 13th and 14th April, as required.

We hope that Warwick may still be a possibility for 2015. Rebecca Dixon offered Liverpool as a possibility for 2017. The President expressed the Branch’s thanks to all concerned.

  1. Election of Officers
    Finn Sinclair has resigned as Treasurer; Jane Gilbert will be taking over, while Miranda Griffin has kindly agreed to take on the Secretary’s role. All were thanked for their help.
  2. Any other business
    On behalf of the Branch, the President expressed thanks and congratulations to the Iberian Branch, and especially to the organizers of the Lisbon Congress, on a most successful and congenial conference. A collection was held for thank-you gifts.