Module-Renaissance Europe II (Syllabus & Reading List) 2022-23-Term 2
Term 2: 'Renaissance Europe II: Movement, Revolution, and Conflict' (RS201 & RS301)
Classes are on Mondays, 14:00-16:00, in room FAB1.06 (First floor, New Faculty of Arts Building) unless otherwise stated below and in tabula (week 9).
Module codes are: RS201-15 (intermediate year students) and RS301-15 (final year students)
Assessment method is 100% essay. Yr 2 students-1 x 3500-word essay chosen from a list of given titles; Yr 3 students-1 x 4000–4500 word essay, on a freely chosen topic determined in consultation with the module convenors and/or tutors.
Place, Movement, and Travel
Week 1: People on the Move and Travelling Artists in Renaissance Europe [Claudia Daniotti and Tom Pert]
Week 2: Inns [Beat Kümin] Reading list here.
Week 3: Rescheduled to week 9.
Week 4: Libraries and the Circulation of Books [David Lines]. Reading list here.
PDF 1_Lowry, The World of Aldus Manutius (pp. 1-71);
PDF 2_Aldus Manutius, Humanism and the Latin Classics (Intro, pp. 188-193 and 364-5);
PDF 3_Aldus Manutius, The Greek Classics (pp. 10-17 and 326-7);
PDF 4_Aldus Manutius, Humanism and the Latin Classics (pp. 244-253 and 377-78).
Week 5: The Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648): The Last European War of Religion? [Tom Pert]. Reading list here.
Week 6: Reading Week (no class)
Week 7: Religious Culture: The Synod of Dort in Context [Esther van Raamsdonk]. Reading list here.
Conflicts and Subversion
Week 8: Latin and Vernacular(s) [Iván Parga Ornelas] Reading list here.
Week 9: Intelligence and Espionage in the Early Modern Period [Ioanna Iordanou] Reading list here.
Week 9: (Postponed from Week 3) Geographical Discoveries [Natalya Din-Kariuki and Mathilde Alain] Reading list here. Thursday 9 March, 09:00-11:00 in room H0.02, ground floor of the Humanities Building
Week 10: Religion and Identity in the Reformation Era: The English Case [Peter Marshall]. Reading list here.
Essay deadline: 12 noon on Tuesday 25th April 2023.
The word limits are 3,500 (for RS201) and 4,000-4,500 (for RS301).