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Film and Television Studies wins Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence

Film and Television Studies have won the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence: Community and Culture Award.

Thu 30 Jun 2022, 16:28 | Tags: teaching News awards

Helen Wheatley wins 2021 BAFTSS award for 'Best Journal Article'

Professor Helen Wheatley has won the award for 'Best Journal Article 2021' at the annual conference of the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies (BAFTSS) for the article 'Haunted Television: Trauma and the Specter in the Archive'.

Sat 01 May 2021, 09:00 | Tags: staff News Publications Research news awards

Film and Television Students' Success in Digital Arts Lab Student Showcase

Students from the department have had great success in this years video competition run as part of the Digital Arts Lab's Student Showcase.

Fri 22 May 2020, 12:27 | Tags: media undergraduate staff teaching News practice awards

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