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Dr. Helen Wheatley will feature on BBC Radio 4 Today programme on Monday 28 October

Dr. Helen Wheatley will be on the Radio 4 Today programme on Monday morning (October 28th) talking about the Story of Children’s Television exhibition and children’s TV history. Keep an ear out for her between 8.20am and 9am.

Good luck to Dr. Rachel Moseley, Dr. Helen Wheatley and the Herbert Art Gallery Team for tonight’s Coventry and Warwickshire Tourism and Culture Awards.

The Story of Children’s Television Exhibition has been nominated in two categories, ‘Culture Award’ and ‘Event of the Year’, in the Coventry and Warwickshire Tourism and Culture Awards.We wish them good luck in the awards ceremony which is happening tonight.


Thu 24 Sep 2015, 13:10 | Tags: media engagement children's television News

'The Story of Children’s Television' nominated for Culture and Tourism Awards

The exhibition 'The Story of Children’s Television from 1946 to Today', a collaboration between Dr. Helen Wheatley and Dr. Rachel Moseley and the Herbert Gallery, has been nominated in two categories by the Coventry and Warwickshire Culture and Tourism Awards: 'The Culture Award' and 'Best Tourism Event of the Year'.

More information here:

The exhbition is free, situated in the Herbert Gallery, Coventry, and runs until 13 September. Find out more about it here:

Mon 17 Aug 2015, 10:36 | Tags: engagement staff children's television News Research impact

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