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Centre for Television Histories

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The Centre for Television Histories (formerly the Centre for Television History, Heritage and Memory Research) provides a forum for a multidisciplinary community of researchers working on aspects of television’s histories and cultures. The Centre aims to provide new ways of thinking about television’s historical and cultural significance, through collaboration and innovation.

The Centre is part of the dynamic research and teaching culture in the University of Warwick’s Department of Film and Television StudiesLink opens in a new window. It is closely affiliated to the Centre for Cultural and Media Policy StudiesLink opens in a new window, and partnered with Connecting CulturesLink opens in a new window. The Centre acts as a focus for the high-quality research and learning undertaken at the Warwick in the field of television history, and facilitates the development of new and dynamic methods and practices. Members work from a variety of critical perspectives, and engage in dynamic ways with television’s content, cultures, and industrial practices, forging new trajectories for television research.