Dr Xiaodong Lin 林曉東 博士
Contact details |
Email: Xiaodong dot Lin at warwick dot ac dot uk |
Tel.: |
Room: R3.24 (Ramphal Building) |
Office hours: 24/25 (Term 2) Mondays 1:30-2:30 Wednesdays 9:30-10:30 (please email at least 3 working days in advance to confirm an appointment, either for an in-person or a TEAMS meeting) |
Associate Professor
Director of the Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship Programme: Transformations of Human-Environment Interactions to Sustainable Development (TRANSFORM)
Leverhulme Trust 博士獎學金项目主管人- 人類與環境相互關係向可持續發展的轉變 (TRANSFORM)
Dr Lin joined the University of Warwick as Associate Professor in Global Sustainable Development in July 2021. Prior to this, He was Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of York.
He is a social scientist by training. He did his first degree in Media and Cultural Studies at Lancaster University (2005). He then moved to the University of Birmingham to complete a MA in International Political Economy (2006), followed by a PhD in Sociology (2010), where he developed his research interests in men and masculinities, kinship and intimacy in relation to changing family relations in the context of rural-urban migration in China. More recently, he has also developed interdisciplinary research interests in food and care, in collaboration with business partners, such as the Marks & Spencer Company Archive. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Dr Lin has been Editor-in-Chief of The Sociological Review, the oldest sociology journal in the UK. He also serves as:
- Academic member of the AHRC Peer Review College
- International editorial board member of the Cambridge Journal of Education
- Editor of the book series: Global Research in Gender, Sexuality and Health (with Professor Ellen Annandale, University of York), Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan.
Editor of the book series: Gendering Asian Society, Politics and Development (with Kailing Xie, published by Amsterdam University Press)
林博士於 2021 年 7 月加入華威大學, 擔任全球可持續發展副教授. 在此之前, 他任職於英國約克大學社會學系.
他是一位社會科學家. 於 2005 年在蘭卡斯特大學獲得了傳媒和文化研究學士學位. 之後, 他前往伯明翰大學攻讀國際政治經濟學碩士學位(2006 年), 隨後獲得社會學博士學位(2010 年). 在伯明翰大學他發展了對男性和陽剛氣概, 親密關係, 以及在中國農村向城市遷移的背景下變化的家庭關係的研究. 他還發展與商業夥伴(如 瑪莎百貨公司檔案館)合作關於對食品和照護關係的跨學科研究. 他是英國高等教育學院的成員.
林博士是英國歷史最悠久的社會學期刊《社會學評論》的總編. 他還擔任:
國際叢書主編: 全球性別與健康研究(與約克大學 Ellen Annandale 教授合作), 出版商: Palgrave Macmillan.
Director of Graduate Studies (Research) for the School for Cross-faculty Studies
Director of the Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship Programme: Transformations of Human-Environment Interactions to Sustainable Development (TRANSFORM)
Faculty of Arts Representative at the University Board of Graduate Studies
Members of the School's Research Committee, the Graduate Studies Committee and the Ethics Committee
Wes is an advocate of collaborative teaching and learning. His pedagogical philosophy in relation to internationalisation aims to inspire students to reflect critically on knowledge beyond a Eurocentric perspective, with an emphasis on promoting knowledge of the Global South.
Dr Lin's research takes a critical approach to global sustainable development through the lens of culture. He has carried out a number of funded research projects in relation to food, ageing, gender, migration and everyday life, supported by the ESRC, the BBSRC and the British Academy. His research is underpinned by theoretical engagement with discussion on cultural values in order to open up existing discourses of development and sustainability in relation to health, care and social justice. Through engaging with local cultural beliefs and mundane practices, he hopes to generate new knowledge and to make sense of the cultural vectors of global challenges in relation to sustainability.
A key aspect of his current research is on care. He highlights the role of culture as a lens of knowing, as well as taking culture as a critical means of analysis to invigorate the discussion on care and social justice. Thus, it aims to unsettle the tensions (private and public; social and institutional; formal and informal, etc.) underpinning the transformations of caring responsibilities in light of neoliberal governance and socio-cultural changes. For example, his current research in relation to food, care and ageing translates local meanings of care into a global standpoint of ‘care-ful’ geography. It develops the links between ‘senses’ of food and personal ‘experiences’ in order to highlight how the socio-cultural vectors of care are embodied in individuals’ everyday visceral experiences of food and life stories.
Another aspect of his research focuses on men and masculinities, with reference to rural-urban migration, changing family relations and neoliberal ideology of success in China. Through long-term ethnography, my research engages with discussion on traditional cultural values and sentiments, such as filial piety, fatherhood and motherhood, guanxi networks, and benshi (capability), as important resources for migrant men’s understanding of success and aspiration.
Research interests
Cultural landscapes of care; materiality of care; food and everyday life practices; men and masculinities; gender; ageing; kinship and family relations; migration; education; cultural values; qualitative research; creative art-based research and ethnography, China, East Asia.
Dr Lin welcomes inquiries from potential PhD students and postdoc researchers, with research ideas that are in line with his research interests.
Current and recent projects
02/20 01/24 |
UKRI-BBSRC Global Challenge Research Fund |
Co-I; Leader of Work Package 2: To analyse the socio-cultural barriers to and drivers of the uptake of the nutritional intervention strategies |
08/18 03/19 |
The Role of Food in Older Adults' Everyday Lives: A Collaborative Initiative with Marks and Spencer |
Principal Investigator |
07/15 01/17 |
Revisiting rural-urban migrant men in China: exploring youth, masculinities and aspirations |
British Academy |
Principal Investigator |
Books and Special Issues
Lin, X.; Martin, D. and Chen, B-W. (2022) Cultural Landscapes of Care. (Special Issue) Health & Place.
Lin, X.; Haywood, C. and M. Mac an Ghaill (2017) East Asian Men: Masculinity, sexuality and desire. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lin, X. (2013) Gender, Modernity and Male Migrant Workers in China: Becoming a ‘modern’ man. London: Routledge. (Finalist of the British Sociological Association Philip Abrams Memorial Prize 2014).
Lin X.; Martin, D. and Chen, B-W. (2022) Towards Cultural Landscapes of Care. Health & Place. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2022.102909Link opens in a new window
Lin, X. (2021) Virtuous Eating: Landscaping the Ethics of Elder Care with Food. Health & Place. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2021.102702Link opens in a new window
Lin, X. (2020) Yang Sheng, Care and Changing Family Relations in China: about a ‘left behind’ mother’s diet. Families, Relationships and Societies. Vol 9, no 2 , pp. 287–301.
Cao, S. & Lin, X. (2019) Masculinizing Fatherhood: Negotiation of Yang and Jiao among Young Fathers in China. Journal of Gender Studies. Vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 937-947. (Awarded outstanding paper at the 2019 Shanghai Sociological Association Annual Conference)
Lin, X. (2019) Young Rural-Urban Migrant Fathers in China: Everyday ‘China Dream’ and the Negotiation of Masculinity. NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies. Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 168-182.
Lin, X. & Mac an Ghaill, M. (2019) Shifting Discourses from Boy Preference to Boy Crisis: Educating Boys and Nation Building in Neoliberal China. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. Vol, 40, no. 3, pp. 281-293.
Lin, X, Zhu, M & Nettleton, S. (2017) Enduring ‘Care’ and the Shifting Cultural Meanings of Convenience Food, Discover Society, 51 06 December.
Lin, X. (2017) Male Migrant Workers and the Negotiation of ‘Marginalized’ Masculinities in Urban China. In C. Haywood & T. Johansson (eds), Marginalized Masculinities: Contexts, Continuities and Change. Chapter 6, New York: Routledge, pp. 103-114.
Lin, X. and Mac an Ghaill, M. (2017) (Re)-masculinizing ‘suzhi jiaoyu’ (education for quality): aspirational values of modernity in neoliberal China. In G. Stahl, et al. (eds.) Masculinity and Aspiration: International Perspectives in the Era of Neoliberal Education. London: Routledge.
Lowe, J.; Lin, X. & Mac an Ghaill, M. (2016) Student-Parent attitudes towards Filipino migrant teachers in Indonesia. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, Vol 25, no. 2, pp. 1-22.
Lin, X.; Haywood, C. and M. Mac an Ghaill (2016) Introduction. In X. Lin, et al. (eds.) East Asian Men: Masculinity, sexuality and desire. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lin, X. (2016) Singleness, masculinity and heteronormativity: male migrant workers in China. In X. Lin, et al. (eds.) East Asian Men: Masculinity, sexuality and desire. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lin, X. (2016) ‘Filial son’, dislocated masculinity and the making of male migrant workers in urban China. In A. Cornwall, N. Lindisfarne and F. G. Karioris (eds.) Masculinities Under Neoliberalism. London: Zed Books
Lin, X. (2015) Rural-urban migration in China: a critical understanding of informality. In K-L. Ngok & C-K Chan (eds.) China’s Social Policy: Transformation and Challenges. London: Routledge.
Lin, X. (2014) ‘Filial son’, the family, and identity formation among male migrant workers in urban China. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography. Vol 21, no. 6, pp. 717-732.
Lin, X. & Mac an Ghaill, M. (2013) Chinese male peasant workers and shifting masculine identities in urban workspaces. Gender, Work and Organization. Vol 20, no. 5, pp. 498-511.
Lin, X. (2010) New meanings of masculinities within Chinese migration: a reflection of tradition and modernity in contemporary Chinese society. International Journal of Current Chinese Studies. Vol 1: 9-26.