Dr Henrik Møller
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Contact details |
Email: HenrikKloppenborg.Moller@warwick.ac.uk |
Carlsberg Visiting Research Fellow
I joined the Global Sustainable Development Department in January 2021 as a Carlsberg Visiting Research Fellow. Prior to this, I was a postdoctoral researcher on the project Sustainable Lives in Scarred Landscapes: Heritage, Environment, and Violence in the China-Myanmar Jade Trade (British Academy GCRF Sustainable Development Grant: Heritage, Dignity and Violence, PI Mandy Sadan), based at the School of Global and Area Studies, Oxford University. I have a BA and MSc in Anthropology from the University of Copenhagen and a PhD in Sociology from Lund University. I have been a project worker at the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen, and a visiting scholar at the Centre for Trans-Himalayan Studies, Yunnan University of Nationalities, the Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development, Chiang Mai, and Centre for International Relations and Development Studies, Barcelona.
I have taught courses on Gender, Class, and Ethnicity, Qualitative Methods, and Gender in Contemporary China at Lund University, the University of Copenhagen, and Fudan University.
Research interests
I am currently working on a monograph based on my PhD dissertation Spectral Jade: Materiality, Conceptualisation, and Value in the Myanmar-China Jadeite Trade, and a study of development among ethnic minorities in the China-Myanmar borderlands in the context of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. My research interests include contemporary Chinese society and China-Myanmar borderlands, ethnic minorities, markets, material culture, ontologies, commodity chains, extractive industries, sustainable development, ethnographic methods, and anthropological theory.
Recent publications
Journal articles
- Møller, Henrik Kloppenborg. 2017. ‘Boom or Bust in China’s Jade Trade with Myanmar?’ Made in China: A Quarterly on Chinese Labour, Civil Society, and Rights, 2 (4): 52-56.
- Hansen, Gard Hopsdahl and Møller, Henrik Kloppenborg. 2017. ‘Louis Vuitton in the Bazaar: Negotiating the Value of Counterfeit Goods in Shanghai’ s Xiangyang Market’. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 30 (2): 170-190.
Book chapters
- Møller, Henrik Kloppenborg. (Forthcoming). ‘Borderlines, Livelihood, and Ethnicity in the Yunnan- Myanmar Borderlands: A Rohingya Jade Trader’s Narratives’. In: Dan Smyer Yü and Karin Dean eds. Yunnan-Burma-Bengal Corridor Geographies: Protean Edging of Habitats and Empires. Routledge.
- Møller, Henrik Kloppenborg. (Forthcoming). ‘Frictions and Opacities in the Myanmar-China Jade Trade’. In: Gunnel Cederlöf and Willem Van Schendel eds. Flows and Frictions in Trans-Himalayan Spaces.
- Møller, Henrik Kloppenborg. 2017. ‘Potentials of Feicui: Indeterminacy and Determination in Human-Jade Interactions in Southwest China’. Pp. 120-139 in Mikkel Bunkenborg and Susanne Bregnbæk eds. Emptiness and Fullness. Ethnographies of Lack and Desire in Contemporary China. New York: Berghan Books.