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Leia Achampong

Current PhD student


I am currently in my first year as a PhD student in Global Sustainable Development as part of the TRANSFORM programmeLink opens in a new window, funded by the Leverhulme TrustLink opens in a new window. My research is on 'Space Mining and Critical Minerals: The Nexus Between Asteroid and Planetary Mining and Just Energy Transitions'. I have an Msc in Sustainability Sciences and Policy (Premium Honours) from Maastricht University. For over 10 years, I have worked in research, policy analysis and advocacy on climate change policy, during which time, I have worked alongside and learned from economists and policy makers. I have published book chapters, written case studies for international institutions including the OECD, and UN Women, and for various NGOs, including the European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad) and WWF European Policy Office.

Research Overview

My research is on 'Space Mining and Critical Minerals: The Nexus Between Asteroid and Planetary Mining and Just Energy Transitions'. It focuses on whether space mined minerals can support the global, just energy transition and fill critical minerals gaps as public goods, and to understand the economic and governance implications of space mining for Earth and human space settlements.

Academic Background

  • MPhil/ PhD Global Sustainable Development - University of Warwick, Coventry, UK (2024 - 2028)
  • MSc Sustainability Sciences and Policy (Premium Honours) - Maastricht Universiteit, Maastricht, Netherlands
  • BA International Politics - University of Surrey, Surrey, UK


Research interests

With a particular focus on:

  • Climate change economics and finance, governance and law
  • Space mining economics and governance
  • Just energy transition and renewable energy technologies
  • Green industrial policy
  • Sustainable development

Funding and awards

  • 2024-2028: Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship
