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Dr Romain Chenet

Romain Chenet

Contact details

Email: Romain dot Chenet at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: R3.16 (Ramphal Building)
See here on pronouncing my name / pronouns

Term-time office hours: Click here to bookLink opens in a new window
Feel free to email for other times.

Administrative enquiries:

Senior Teaching Fellow

  • Director of Undergraduate Studies
  • Equity Officer (School for Cross-Faculty Studies)
  • Warwick University Chaplaincy Faith Advisor (Indo-Tibetan Buddhism)


My role involves teaching and management, with responsibilities as GSD Director of Undergraduate Studies and School Equity Officer. My research background spans across development, sociology, and politics in exploring globality with poststructural analysis of discourse and other applied methods - galvanising my curiosity for the emerging field of global studies. I have diverse interests in adjacent scholarship, and welcome PhD or UG/PG dissertation enquiries on such topics - more examples further down on this page!

I was previously based in London and worked on global corporate relations and high-value fundraising management for large INGOs to build development projects and respond to humanitarian emergencies. Before settling in the UK, I often lived in Asia (Nepal, India, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia), shaping my experiences with development. My personal interests include cooking, gardening, Buddhist art and philosophy, and spending time with cats.

Taught Modules

Sustainable Development: Past, Present, FuturesLink opens in a new window (Convening Lecturer)

Surviving the Apocalypse (Convening Lecturer)

Gender and the Sustainable Development Agenda (Convening Lecturer)

(In 2024-25, I am also convening GD108 - Living with Water)

Leading Transformation in the Anthropocene (Convening Lecturer)

    Teaching and research interests

    The evolution of ‘sustainable development’ as a mythology; Discursive intersections, silences, and exclusions in institutional policies and practices; Poststructural discourse analysis; Gender and development; Governance and power; NGOs and civil society; Culture(s) and lifeworlds; Buddhist cosmologies; Critical development approaches (post-development, feminisms, 'alternatives', degrowth, queer and trans* theory); Pluralism and decolonisation beyond buzzwords (via epistemology and ontology); The history, politics, and sociology of development as a global project.

    Selected conference events

    Paper: Building intersectional space(s) into ‘gender and development’ teaching.
    Development Studies Association Conference 2024, SOAS University of London.

    Panel organiser/host (with Dr B. Brazeau): Apocalypse, crisis, and constructing our endings.
    Midlands Conference in Critical Thought (MCCT) 2024, Nottingham Trent University.

    Paper: Levering into fraught interdisciplinarity: A case study in teaching 'population'.
    Innovative Practices and Pedagogies for International Development Studies 2022, Indiana University, and
    Mapping Interdisciplinarity 2022, University of Birmingham.

    Paper: ‘Firmly in Britain's own national interest': A sinking DfID's jettison of 'development'. Development Studies Association Conference 2020, University of Birmingham.

    Selected publications

    Chenet, R. (2024). Gendered visions beyond development’s impasses: reflections from a UK university classroom. Development in Practice, 1–7.

    Chenet, R. (2020). Pursuing discourse without morphing into a linguist, The Sociological Review Magazine. opens in a new window