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Salma Elrouby

Salma Elrouby

Contact details

Email: Salma dot Elrouby at warwick dot ac dot uk


Current PhD Researcher


Salma completed her BA in Architectural Engineering at the American University in Cairo in 2016. She then carried out a two-year research project on the urban and architectural discourse of corporate Architecture in Cairo. In 2020 she graduated from an MSc Management in Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. In her thesis, using mixed methods of data harvesting, analytics and spatial correlation analysis, she mapped the ‘Potential Economies; to analyse urban competitiveness of metropolitan regions in emerging economies.' Salma is a multidisciplinary urbanist with six years of experience in design, research, academia and analysis. Her work experience spans architecture and urban planning, policy analysis, urban economics, real estate finance, and the use of data science for spatial analysis.

Academic background

  • PhD Global Sustainable Development - University of Warwick- United Kingdom [2022- Present]
  • MSc Management in the Built Environment- Delft University of Technology- Netherlands [2018-2020]
  • BSc Architecture- The American University in Cairo- Egypt [2011-2016]


Jon Coaffee- Professor- Department of Politics & International Studies

Cagatay Turkay- Professor- Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies

Research overview

Building on the interdisciplinary studies of Digital Geography, Digital Urbanism, Spatial Analysis, and Spatial Theory, my research aims to understand the limitations and potentials of spatial representation in the open spatial and locative technologies. As a case study of spatial analysis through crisis, I am examining the extensive use of geographical and spatial analyses through the pandemic and post pandemic city. My research explores how space and urban form are represented in spatial analysis, as a base for urban socio-economic, political, health, demographic, etc., indicators to visualize spatial correlation and mobilize action and policy recommendations.

Research interests

  • Digital Geography
  • Digital Urbanism
  • Post Pandemic City
  • Spatial Media
  • Spatial Analysis
  • Spatial Theory



  • 2019-2020 Department of Urbanism- Delft University of Technology
  • 2015- 2018 Department of Architecture- The American University in Cairo

Funding and awards

Committee memberships and non-academic roles

  • SSLC- Department of Global Sustainable Development