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Living with Materials


DI204-30 Term 2 and 3

Module Leader

Adela Glyn-Davies
Optional Core - Second year only
Terms 2 and 3
29.5 workshop hours and 10 lecture hours
(30 CATS variant)

Not available to students outside the School for Cross-Faculty Studies.

All lectures and seminars will be face to face unless otherwise stated in Moodle

For session preparation and further info, visit the module Moodle space via this link

Please note this webpage refers to the module as planned for 2024-2025. For other versions, please refer to the module catalogue: Module information 

Materials are foundational to our very existence, in how we exist, perceive ourselves and others, our environments, our histories and our futures. This module explores approaches to materials through a transdisciplinary lens and an international perspective. It combines theoretical and practical approaches that call on both the sciences and the humanities to consider and interact with materials. Students will be able to pursue a diverse series of routes assessing the lives of materials through their qualities and transformations, and will learn from a range of people who work professionally with materials in their academic and professional careers.

Principal Aims

To understand the ethical, political, social, economic and cultural aspects of the material world. To develop methods for the creation of a personal taxonomy of the qualities of materials. To establish and hone methods of verbal, visual, material and textual communication in relation to ideas about, and qualities of materials. To evolve diverse methods of research that enable the effective analysis and understanding of materials (whether practical or theoretical). To appreciate the interconnectedness of diverse disciplinary approaches.

Principal Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, students will be able to:

  • Recognise, identify and record the scope and complexity of material worlds.
  • Describe and critically assess the interplay of materials with ourselves, our physical, social and psychological worlds.
  • Critically analyse and interrogate the complexity of material worlds through multidisciplinary methods.
  • Demonstrate awareness of the ethical consideration of materials.
  • Develop methods of textual, visual, material and verbal communication about materials.
  • Develop effective and diverse research methods appropriate to both the theoretical and practical investigation of materials.


The teaching will cover: original myths, chains of being, the resource model, global resources, ecological perception and economies of matter, materiality vs. materials, flows and surfaces, subject and object, digital materialities and future myths.

Living with Materials assessment (DI204-30)

Title Type Length Weight Final Chronological Eligible for self-certification
Reassessment component is the same

Materials Taxonomy

Portfolio assignment

3000 words



Yes (extension)

Student preparation and completion time (hours)



Students will produce their own taxonomies of materials and these should be communicated in a diverse range of ways through theory, making practice and curation (this might be physical or virtual). The word limit does not constitute the sum total of production but merely the textual contribution. Should the student wish to write more and work less visually, they may do so through negotiation with the tutor.

Title Type Length Weight Final Chronological Eligible for self-certification
Reassessment component is the same

Materials Taxonomy

Portfolio assignment

2000 words



Yes (extension)

Student preparation and completion time (hours)



This assignment can be done as either a largely practical assignment (e.g. the development of new materials or the physical analysis of materials) with 2000 word write up or as a purely theoretical analysis of the development of a new material, or reuse of an old material or process for 4000 words. This would be an assessment of its usefulness and possible applications, as well as the more academic connotations of the materials transformation, selection or application.

Title Type Length Weight Final chronological Eligible for self-certification
Reassessment component is the same

Materials Festival

Presentation - Group - Marked collectively

10 minutes




Student preparation and204

completion time (hours)



To produce a critical display/exhibition that curates the examination of certain qualities/politics/applications of materials. The physical presentation will be accompanied by a short verbal presentation.

Reassessment component

Materials Festival Essay 2000 words Yes (extension)
Description A summary of the presentation that the group undertook and a full explanation of its components and the critical argument it was addressing.

 Please note: Module availability and staffing may change year on year depending on availability and other operational factors. The School for Cross-faculty Studies makes no guarantee that any modules will be offered in a particular year, or that they will necessarily be taught by the staff listed on this page.