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Global Sustainable Development News

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GSD hosted students from the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) scheme last term

IISMA studentsGSD was pleased to welcome a group of undergraduate students last term, as part of a new collaboration of the University of Warwick with the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) scheme.

IISMA is a student mobility scholarship scheme funded by the Indonesian Government, involving a number of top universities across the world.

GSD students drive discussions at Warwick Inclusion Conference

Sophie Kitching presenting at the Warwick Inclusion Conference

At the start of the summer, staff from across the University were invited to attend Warwick's inaugural Inclusion Conference. The event celebrated diversity and offered an inclusive environment in which colleagues could learn, collaborate, and co-create. Participants shared practice, generated ideas, thought deeply about what it means to be an inclusive institution, and celebrated the University's collective achievements and progress so far.

Two of our undergraduate Single Honours GSD students, Naomi Carter and Sophie Kitching, presented at the conference on the important topics of combatting menstrual stigma to enhance wellbeing and inclusive teaching for autistic and neurodivergent students. We spoke with Naomi and Sophie about their work and their experiences of the conference.

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Teaching and Tutoring Excellence Awards: School for Cross-faculty Studies Success!

Dr Bryan Brazeau and Dr Gioia Panzarella being presented with their WAPTE awards at the 2022 Degree Congregation

We are extremely proud of Dr Gioia Panzarella (Global Sustainable Development) and Dr Bryan Brazeau (Liberal Arts) for winning the 2022 Warwick Awards for Personal Tutoring Excellence (WAPTE)! The WAPTE Team received more nominations than ever before this year from both students and staff, so it is a real testament to their commitments to personal tutoring to be acknowledged at this level.

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New summary report: Rare Earth Elements, Global Inequalities and the 'Just Transition'

A new summary report details preliminary findings from the project ‘Rare Earths in the Just Transition: Connecting Global Inequalities in REEs Commodity Chains’, which was funded by the British Academy’s Just Transitions within Sectors and Industries Globally scheme. The project is led by Professor Mandy Sadan (Global Sustainable Development).

Mon 29 Aug 2022, 09:00 | Tags: GSD Staff stories Global Sustainable Development Research

New publication: 'A Critical History of Poverty Finance' by Dr Nick Bernards

Image credit: Dr Nick Bernards

A new book by Dr Nick Bernards, Associate Professor in GSD, A Critical History of Poverty Finance, has recently been published by Pluto Press. The book looks at the history of financial 'solutions' to global poverty, tracing out links between colonial-era practices and contemporary fintech fads. It shows how past and present efforts to extend access to formal financial services have reinforced and exacerbated embedded patterns of uneven development.

GSD Student Presents Research at World PhD Students Sustainability Summit 2022

The World PhD Students Sustainability Summit 2022 was organised by the European School of Sustainability Science and Research, the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme, and the European Alliance for Sustainability Research Rationale. One of our PhD students, Grace Kamanga, presented her research at the summit. Find out about Grace's experience of the summit and the research she presented.

Join us for our first annual GSD PhD Symposium!

The GSD Department is pleased to be hosting its first annual PhD Symposium on Friday 1 July 2022! This event will be taking place in the new Faculty of Arts Building, FAB5.03.

The Symposium will provide an opportunity for our first cohort of PhD students to showcase their research. The Symposium will also open discussions around this year’s theme of transdisciplinary research.

Prof. Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla delivers keynote at Midlands4Cities workshop

Midlands 4 Cities Workshop Banner

    Earlier this year, Professor Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla, Head of the School for Cross-faculty Studies, delivered a keynote on her research for a Midlands4Cities (M4C) workshop. The workshop was aimed at PhD students interested in oral history.

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    Mon 13 Jun 2022, 11:10 | Tags: GSD Staff stories Global Sustainable Development Research

    Professor Chris Dolan joins the GSD Department!

    We are delighted to have recently welcomed Chris Dolan to the School for Cross-faculty Studies as a Professor in Global Sustainable Development.

    Prior to joining Warwick, Chris’ career was largely spent in Sub-Saharan Africa, primarily in South Africa, Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. From 2006-2022 Chris was Director of the Refugee Law Project in Uganda from 2006-2022, a position in which he developed work with refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) around five thematic areas: Access to Justice; Gender and Sexuality; Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing; Conflict, Transitional Justice and Governance; and the use of Media for Social Change.

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    Tue 31 May 2022, 15:18 | Tags: GSD Staff stories Global Sustainable Development

    GSD funding success: Getting creative with sustainability

    Butterfly mural on Foleshill Road bridge over the Coventry Canal

    Image credit: Alan Paxton

    Congratulations to Dr Jonathan Clarke and Dr Alastair Smith for their successful applications to the ‘Getting Creative with Sustainability’ funding call!

    The 'Getting Creative with Sustainability' funding aims to create the opportunity for local artists and creatives to work with Warwick researchers and external regional public/third sector organisations, around the broad theme of sustainability. These knowledge exchange-based collaborations will see the three parties involved sharing insights around sustainability research in its broadest sense within the context of the organisation or region. The projects will create a means for researchers, organisations, and creatives to work together via an innovative and creative collaboration, which is designed to stimulate, develop, or cement relationships between Warwick researchers and regional externals whilst supporting knowledge exchange, research development, impact, and communications.

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