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Fully funded PhD scholarship in Caribbean Studies

Caribbean map

    Applications are invited for a three-and-half-year (42 months) funded PhD studentship at the University of Warwick starting in autumn 2021. The successful candidate will be based at the University’s Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies (YPCCS) and the research can be into any aspect of the history, literature, culture or societies of the Caribbean.

    The studentship is tenable for up to three-and-a-half years (full-time), subject to academic progression. It offers an annual stipend at the standard RCUK rate and covers full tuition fees at the Home/EU rate for 3 years. International candidates may be eligible for a waiver of the difference between the UK and international fee.

    The studentship is funded jointly through the generous endowment provided by Yesu Persaud and the Warwick Collaborative Fellowship.

    Applicants should be holders of a good first degree (at least 2:1 or equivalent). A relevant Masters degree, completed or close to completion, is also expected in an area relevant to the proposed area of doctoral research.

    Before submitting an application, candidates should identify and make contact with a potential supervisor from among the Centre's academic staff. Academic members of staff at the Centre include Professor Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla, Head of the School for Cross-faculty Studies; and Dr Leon Sealey Huggins, Assistant Professor in GSD. You can also identify a potential co-supervisor from our list of PhD supervisors at the School for Cross-faculty Studies. Without a suitable supervisor, the candidate will not be eligible.

    How to apply

    Interested candidates should send a full CV (stating their academic performance) and a two-page project proposal including a short statement explaining why the Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies at the University of Warwick is a suitable environment for your project. Application documents should be sent to F dot Viala at warwick dot ac dot uk by Monday 27 September 2021.

    Please send informal inquiries about the studentship to the acting director of the YPCCS, Professor Fabienne Viala, F dot Viala at warwick dot ac dot uk.

    For further details about the studentship please see here.

    Deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 27th September. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed online.

    PhD supervisors in the School for Cross-faculty Studies

    Take a look at our PhD supervisors' profiles in the School for Cross-faculty Studies.⁩ We are welcoming new PhD applications.