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Service Design with UX for Social Impact: Experiences from our first student cohort

Service and UX design are rapidly expanding industries that are increasingly demanding versed designers who can contribute to impactful and ethical solutions. Our new Service Design with UX for Social Impact module introduces students to Service and UX Design from a digital development angle. We recently sat down with our first ever student cohort in a roundtable session to talk about their experiences of the module. This blog collates some of the comments that came from the discussion.

Why did you decide to do the Service Design with UX for Social Impact module?

“I had previously done the Introduction to Design module and loved it, so took the Service Design with UX for Social Impact to further my knowledge and practical skills in a different area of design.”

“I wanted to try something that was different to my main degree of Global Sustainable Development, which is more theoretical and essay-based, whereas this course offered practical assessments.”

“The social impact factor. The module focuses on creating digital solutions to address social or health-related issues in modern society. So, we are learning practical design skills with the aim of helping people!”

If you were to summarise what the Service Design with UX for Social Impact was about, how would you describe it?

“A creative way of dealing with social issues whilst learning how to think critically as a designer.”

“Designing UX programmes to help other people; selfless design.”

“Teaching you design technology whilst also showing you how to define a problem and develop a potential solution for it.”

What were the most enjoyable aspects of the module for you?

“Building prototypes for UX technology. I’ve never done this in any other module I’ve studied during my degree, so it was definitely fun to be able to actually create something!”

“I like how the module provided a fun yet beneficial way to identify social challenges and come up with digital technology that could act as useful tools.”

Was there anything about the module that surprised you?

“I was concerned that the module would require a lot more technical knowledge about app building, so was pleasantly surprised to learn that the prototype building phase was not as intimidating as I initially thought! Also, most classes tend to follow a ‘professor talk, you take notes’ model, whereas I found it refreshing that this one was more interactive and involved entire class discussions.”

“I was surprised by how well the things we learnt in UX with Service Design applied to everyday life. It feels like the skills I learned in this module will be useful when I enter the world of work.”

“I went into this module with no exact expectations; however the biggest surprise was how much design is integrated in everything around us. I feel like my mind has been shifted and remoulded to view the world in the way a designer does!”

Who would you recommend the Service Design with UX for Social Impact for?

“Someone looking for a creative outlet from their main degree. As a GSD student, much of what you learn is focused on the problems for effective sustainability and what small changes can be made, which can sometimes make you feel overwhelmed as the outlook appears so negative. Whereas this module offers a more optimistic and hopeful message for social change.”

“I would recommend the module to anyone drawn to working in the media and creative industries. Some people may shy away from this class because they fear it being too technical, but creatives can also benefit greatly from its teachings. Our cohort was made up of a whole range of students; from accounting, media and GSD, which brought richer perspectives to class discussions.”

Would you recommend this module to other students? If so, why?

“I definitely would. In our third session we went through the different roles that could develop from this module’s teachings, so I would recommend this module just based on the many career skills interwoven through the teachings.”

“Not only was this module a good place to learn life skills, but it allowed you to fail in a safe way. Coming here you can get feedback and collaborate with other students so that it emulates the work environment more.”

“UX classes were so different from every other seminar I’ve been to as they were more like a discussion! Everyone’s knowledge is so rich and interesting, and you end up learning from each other and not just the module leaders.”

“Yes, I would recommend this module, as it provides a good opportunity to push your limits and your mindset.

To find out more about the other modules, as well as the degree options offered by our Design division, visit our website.