Student Ambassador Blog Posts
Please note:
- These posts were written in previous years by GSD students.
- These posts provide a personal account of our students' experiences.
The transition to university

This blog is about wellbeing during the transition to University, which is both a fun and challenging experience. Wellbeing is a complex idea, and everyone’s definition is a bit different: it can include mental and physical health, happiness in the moment and long-term self-fulfilment, as well as social and spiritual experiences. Being well at university is important, particularly being happy, fulfilled and challenged.
Humans are the most sociable organisms on the planet and so our relationships have a significant effect on our wellbeing (only termites, eusocial insects, and naked mole rats construct social networks as complex as ours, and only human networks include non-family members).
University is a place where you can create positive and supportive new relationships, but the transition itself can be challenging. Moving to university can disrupt the existing social support structures in our lives whether they be with family, friends or teachers and it can be challenging to create other networks with new people. It’s okay if this process is difficult and so try to be compassionate with yourself if you are finding it challenging.
Reflecting on our first year at university, we’ve put together a few tips. Firstly, everyone is going through the same process as you and will probably be feeling the same way. So, try not to judge or compare your experience to how others appear to be doing. Secondly, making new friends is difficult. It just is. If you feel nervous, try chatting to people on your course – you’re all interested in the same subject! Thirdly, it is easy at university to lose good habits from home such as exercising or partaking in your hobbies. Even though it’s difficult, try to build in time to do the things that you enjoy and move your body - it doesn’t have to be vigorous or exhausting, a walk around campus is perfect!
We hope this blog can be helpful (and not worrying)! If you do have any questions, please get in touch with us on the Offer Holder Facebook Group or send us a message.
P.S. Start looking after your wellbeing now - especially if you have exams this summer!
Kristina Pugh
Final-year Single Honours GSD student
Katharine McEnery
Final-year Life Sciences and GSD student
Thursday 9 January 2020