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Resilience as self-governance: human, societal, inter-species, planetary

We focus on understanding crisis/adversity/change through resilience – human, societal, inter-species, planetary – as a way of living, and governing complexity, with a focus on community of relations

Contributions of this research theme focus on:

  • Understanding change and complexity through resilience as self-governance
  • Exploring community as relations as a way to survive, adapt and transform in crisis
  • Mapping resilience across multiple world localities (Latin America, Africa, Central Eurasia) affected by crises
  • Developing tools for more informed policy and practice-driven decisions

Main topics

  • Complexity-thinking in the VUCA world: towards behavioural change
  • Relationality & interspecies politics
  • The meaning of community of relations
  • Resilience as self- & diversity-governance
  • Sustainable living and urban resilience
  • Planetary challenges and response to crises
  • Ordering domains in diversity-governance


SHAPEDEM-EU (2022-25)


RiskPACC (2021-24)

AGMOW (2023-26)

Facilitating Knowledge Exchange through Dialogical Participatory Mapping (2022-23)

COMPASS+: Tackling Sustainability Challenges in times of War and Crises (2022-23)

OBO: Raising Awareness of Challenges facing Contemporary Belarus and the wider region (2021-23)

Staff associated with this theme

Prof. Elena Korosteleva 

Dr Vangelis Pitidis

Dr Anastasiia Kudlenko

Dr Aijan Sharshenova

Dr Paul Hansbury

Associated Staff:

Prof. Jon Coaffee; Prof. Robin Goodwin; Dr Adela Glyn-Davies