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Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International Development: Gender Toolkit

Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International Development has produced a Gender Toolkit "Toolkit for Integrating a Gender-Sensitive Approach into Research and Checklist for Preparing the Gender Equality Statement for Grant Applications to UKRI GCRF and Newton Fund Calls."

Download the Gender Toolkit

UKRI Gender Equality and International Development Research and Innovation

UKRI has developed detailed guidance on gender and gender equality in research applications. There are a number of resources available on their web site, where they set out five key criteria that must be addressed when considering gender impact:

  • Have measures been put in place to ensure equal and meaningful opportunities for people of different genders to be involved throughout the project? This includes the development of the project, the participants of the research and innovation and the beneficiaries of the research and innovation.
  • The expected impact of the project (benefits and losses) on people of different genders, both throughout the project and beyond.
  • The impact on the relations between people of different genders and people of the same gender. For example, changing roles and responsibilities in households, society, economy, politics, power, etc.
  • How will any risks and unintended negative consequences on gender equality be avoided or mitigated against, and monitored?
  • Are there any relevant outcomes and outputs being measured, with data disaggregated by age and gender (where disclosed)?

UKRI Gender Equality Pages

SAGE Project - Online Gender Equality Toolkit and Course

The Horizon 2020-funded SAGE project has, as part of its project outputs, created an online Gender Equality toolkit and accompanying course, which are free and open for research colleagues to make use of. There is a part of the course that specifically address the gender dimension in research, with an online video, articles and an accompanying worksheet. This is a great tool for anyone wishing to spend some time considering their approach to gender in research design, implementation and monitoring.

SAGE the gender dimension in research