IP110 Quantitative Methods for Undergraduate Research

Module leader: Dr Lauren Bird
- Optional or Optional Core for Economics pathway
- Term 2 | 10 weeks
- 15 CATS
In our capacity as learners, researchers, and members of society, we are continually exposed to statistics and data which, while it can shed light on the nature of the world around us, also has the capacity to confound and mislead. As such, it is vital that we understand both how to interpret the data which surrounds us, and also understand how to use this data to our advantage.
This module will empower learners by providing a problem-based framework which promotes self-directed and reflective learning. Through tackling multifaceted and complex social issues, students will begin to generate, appreciate and understand broader, underlying, conceptual problems around why quantitative approaches are relevant, and to uncover the appropriate methodologies. In addition to improved learning outcomes, this approach also aligns learning activities with the processes of independent research – effectively preparing students for independent project work or modules which encourage individual enquiry.
Through group discussion and research around the provided cases, students will begin building their knowledge and confidence in producing and interpreting descriptive statistics, generating meaningful and appropriate data visualisations, and will acquire an introductory understanding of the linked issues of probability and distribution.
As part of the assessment and weekly Problem-Based Learning activities, the course will build on these introductory skills with case studies which will see students engaging in the more involved task of using measurable data from samples to inform inferences about the broader population, and gaining an understanding of key questions of appropriateness and limitations.
The combination of PBL discussion classes, and practical workshops will build students’ confidence at using statistical computer packages to put into practice the concepts they uncover through their research, and to take their first steps in statistically modelling data.
Quantitative Methods for Undergraduate Research is complementary to its sister module Qualitative Methods for Undergraduate Research, both of which aim to prepare students to take their first steps in independent research.
This module offers a unique and innovative approach to the teaching of introductory statistics for research, which is not provided by any other modules at the University of Warwick.
Please note: Module availability and staffing may change year on year depending on availability and other operational factors. The School for Cross-faculty Studies makes no guarantee that any modules will be offered in a particular year, or that they will necessarily be taught by the staff listed on these pages.