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Warwick Bright Stars 2019/20

Year 5 students at the Bright Stars graduation

Over the past academic year, Liberal Arts students have been working with a local primary school as part of the University’s Bright Stars Programme.

Mon 20 Jul 2020, 09:00 | Tags: Liberal Arts Outreach Student stories Staff stories

Funding success for Dr Bryan Brazeau to support students with stepping up to second year

Dr Bryan Brazeau teaching a group of Liberal Arts students

Dr Bryan Brazeau (SFHEA) Senior Teaching Fellow in Liberal Arts, has recently been successful in securing funding from the Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA).

The funding will enable the creation of bridging materials to support students with the transition from first year to second year. These materials will be used in the upcoming academic year and in future years too.

Mon 13 Jul 2020, 08:53 | Tags: Liberal Arts Funding Staff stories

Our commitment to anti-racism

People protesting

Image credit: Johnny Silvercloud/flickr

The murder of George Floyd (and so many others) has affected all of us. We understand that some of you in our community have been particularly hurt by this. Racism is a systemic feature of our society, and this is not limited to what has been happening in the United States in the past few weeks and over the years.

Here in the School for Cross-faculty Studies, we are strongly against any type of racist activity and we commit to an anti-racist culture and education.

Press interviews with Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla on Cuban international healthcare

Cuban Health Specialists arriving in South Africa to curb the spread of COVID-19

Image: GovernmentZA/flickr

At the start of this month, Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla, the Head of the School for Cross-faculty Studies, was interviewed for an article in The Guardian relating to her research on Cuban international healthcare professionals. The article looks into Cuba's 'doctor diplomacy' scheme, and in particular, the emerging trend of Cuban medical teams supporting struggling health services during the Coronavirus pandemic in developed European nations.

In addition, Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla was also interviewed on Spanish National radio on Wednesday 13 May 2020 for the programme Cinco Continentes (Five Continents). This interview also relates to Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla's research on Cuban international healthcare professionals and Cuban medical diplomacy, and in particular to the latest interventions of Cuban doctors in Europe. You can listen to the podcast here.

New publication: Edited collection by Dr Bryan Brazeau

The Reception of Aristotle’s Poetics in the Italian Renaissance and Beyond

Dr Bryan Brazeau, Senior Teaching Fellow in Liberal Arts, has recently published an edited collection entitled  Beyond Aristotle’s Poetics in the Italian Renaissance: New Directions in Criticism (including an essay by Dr Brazeau with the title "Soul to Squeeze: Emotional History and Early Modern Readings of Aristotle's Poetics,” which focuses particularly on Lodovico Castelvetro's Poetica D'Aristotele vulgarizzata e sposta. (1570))

The collection is published with Bloomsbury Academic and is available in the Library.

Mon 11 May 2020, 14:00 | Tags: Liberal Arts Research Staff stories

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