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Why I chose Liberal Arts: Charlotte's Story

Charlotte is a Liberal Arts student currently in her second year of study. We discuss what initially attracted her to the course and the direction she is taking her Liberal Arts education.

Although I knew I wanted to go to university, I never attended any open days for the courses that I had applied for, as I was solely focussed on just getting through my A-levels!

Why I chose Warwick

I found out about the Liberal Arts course at Warwick whilst researching undergraduate degrees on the UCAS website. I was initially drawn to social sciences as a potential degree, as I had enjoyed multiple and various subjects at school, so was finding it difficult to narrow down my interests to just one.

However, after reading more about Liberal Arts, I was excited to discover that the degree really aligned with my interests. I met the course leaders at a Warwick Offer Holder Day and the rest is history!

How my Liberal Arts course is going

As I am in my second year of the course, I have had to select a route or pathway to ensure that my studies align with my career goals and interests. Currently, the working title for my pathway is ‘Wellbeing and Justice’, as my first year helped me realise how I deeply care about the world around me.

This is a unique benefit of the Liberal Arts degree at Warwick; if you are unsure of what you want to do when picking your degree, you can use your first year to explore different subjects before later tailoring your Liberal Arts degree towards your discovered passion or chosen career path.

It’s hard for me to pick a single highlight of the course so far as I have honestly enjoyed most of it! However, I do particularly recall enjoying the Truth and Misinformation module.


Why should you choose Liberal Arts?

Liberal Arts requires a lot of deep thinking across multiple subjects, and thorough research to back up your points. It is really challenging but also reflective and fascinating.

Every week I leave seminars feeling blown away by what I have just learned through discussion. The debates and conversation we have in class help me develop new insights and gain a fresh perspective on global and local issues, to the point that it has transformed the way I think and how I view the world.

What’s more, the topics we cover in our modules are very relevant to the world that we live in now, which is why I strongly believe that everyone—no matter who they are—should take a class in Liberal Arts!

My plans for the future

As soon as I finish my degree, I am keen to continue putting my theoretical understanding into action for justice. I plan to do this through work in the non-profit sector.