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Global Sustainable Development Read more from Global Sustainable Development News

New publication: 'A Critical History of Poverty Finance' by Dr Nick Bernards

Image credit: Dr Nick Bernards

A new book by Dr Nick Bernards, Associate Professor in GSD, A Critical History of Poverty Finance, has recently been published by Pluto Press. The book looks at the history of financial 'solutions' to global poverty, tracing out links between colonial-era practices and contemporary fintech fads. It shows how past and present efforts to extend access to formal financial services have reinforced and exacerbated embedded patterns of uneven development.

Special issue of TRAJECTORIA on graphic anthropology featuring Dr Charlie Rumsby

Still Image from Empathetic Ethics (Thomas and Rumsby 2020)

At the end of March a special issue of TRAJECTORIA, "Ethno-graphic Collaborations: Crossing Borders with Multimodal Illustration", was published. In a piece titled "Waters of Death and Life: The Evolution of an 'Ethno-Graphic'" by Dr Charlie Rumsby (a Visiting Research Fellow in the GSD Department) and Ben Thomas (an independent digital illustrator) we see an academic thesis in the process of being turned into an ethno-graphic novel.

Read more.

UN Food Price Index understates soaring real cost of food, argues Dr Alastair Smith

Golden wheat in a field, blue sky in the background

Dr Alastair Smith, Senior Teaching Fellow in GSD, calls on the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) to focus on real, not nominal food prices, in a correspondence piece published in Nature.

Institute for Global Sustainable Development Read more from IGSD News

Liberal Arts Read more from Liberal Arts News

New publication: School for Cross-faculty Studies Student Equity Report 2021

We are pleased to announce the publication of the report on the first School for Cross-faculty Studies Student Equity Survey.

New publication in Classical Receptions Journal by Dr Bryan Brazeau

Dr Bryan Brazeau, Senior Teaching Fellow in Liberal Arts, has recently published an article in Classical Receptions Journal entitled “‘Defying Gravity’: Prose Epic and Heroic Style in Lucrezia Marinella’s 1602 Vita di Maria Vergine.

Wed 07 Jul 2021, 12:08 | Tags: Liberal Arts Research Publication Staff stories

Article published for The Conversation on Cuban internationalism by Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla

Cuban flag flying in the wind

Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla, the Head of School for Cross-faculty Studies, has had her latest article on Cuban internationalism published by The Conversation UK. The article is titled 'By sending doctors to Italy, Cuba continues its long campaign of medical diplomacy'. You can read the article in full here.

"Cuba stresses its programme to send doctors abroad is based in solidarity. But there are diplomatic and economic reasons too."

You can also read Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla's recent article published by The Oral History Review on laughter in oral history interviews with Cuban internationalist healthcare professionals here.

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