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Sustainability Spotlight Network+ Initiative - is live now!

Sustainability Spotlight Network+ Initiative

During the Warwick Research Culture Day on 29 April 2024, the new interdisciplinary Spotlight Initiatives were launched to replace GRPs and to drive the university forward into a new REF landscape. One of them - Sustainability Spotlight - was won by a collective of researchers, led by IGSD.

Sustainability Spotlight is set to be a network-of-networks, focusing on research on sustainability. In addition to IGSD, it includes 4 other networks – the Environmental Humanities Network (led by Prof. Graeme Macdonald, Faculty of Arts), the Sustainable Society Network (led by Prof. Giuliana Battisti, WBS), WESIC (led by Prof. Gary Bending, Life Sciences) and WMG Materials & Innovation Network (led by Associate Prof. Stuart Coles) – and brings together over 2000 researchers! We aim for the network to be all-inclusive, and its objectives are:

  • Creation of a single information and communication space for all, with a focus on sustainability research
  • Visualisation of our networks
  • Nurture the ECR community and STS
  • Generating joint funding opportunities
  • Holding a sustainability forum with external stakeholders

We are planning to have an informal launch in early July, and everyone whose research focuses on sustainability is warmly welcome! We will announce the programme soon. Please follow us on

Prof Elena Korosteleva & Dr Tatsiana Chulitskaya (WUB-Hub) were invited to train Future Leaders for Belarus at the invitation of John Smith Trust

At the invitation of John Smith Trust, Professor Elena Korosteleva and Dr Tatsiana Chulitskaya (WUB-hub) were invited to train the first cohort of the Future Leaders from Belarus in Oxford. This was a great opportunity to establish professional connections, and to offer feedback to the Action Plans of the JST Fellows. They are invited to be part of the WUB-hub conference on 28 June 2024, held in Europe House, with high-level policy, academic & practitioner stakeholders. The JST & IGSD will work together on developing a bespoke training programme for the future JST fellows at Warwick.

New member of the IGSD team - Dr Hita Unnikrishnan - starting soon!

Especially delighted to announce this news: IGSD is very happy to announce that Dr Hita Unnikrishnan will be joining IGSD on 3 June 2024 as our new Assistant Professor. Presently Hita is Newton International Fellow at the University of Sheffield, and prior that she worked as Assistant Professor at the Trans-Disciplinary University, and as a post-doctoral research associate at Azim Premji University, both based in Bengaluru, India. She obtained her Ph.D from Manipal University, India; ATREE, Bengaluru. Hita was also a recipient of the Prof. Elinor Ostrom Fellowship on Practice and Policy on the Commons in 2013.


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