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Curriculum Development Hub

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Designing for learning in a blended world | Workshop | 12th March 2025

Building anti-racist curricula | Workshop | 18th March 2025

Curriculum Design in Action | Workshop Series | May 2025

Designing for learning in a blended world: student perceptions and progress


Blended learning is traditionally described as a pedagogical approach which combines in person and online learning opportunities. But what does it mean to be ‘blended’ in 2025, and what are the implications for students and staff in Higher Education?

This workshop explores the concept of blended learning in the current context, particularly thinking about the way we design curricula, with the intended (and perhaps unintended) consequences of our decisions. We’ll explore user experience, thoughts and feelings and experiment in this interactive, discursive session which is suitable for anyone whose work is connected to the student learning experience (teachers, professional services colleagues).

There will be a short pre-session task and all materials will be shared after the session.

Wed 12th Mar 2025 | 1pm-2pm


Led by Sara Hattersley | ADC

Building anti-racist curricula


This workshop will provide an overview of current debates around decolonising curricula and their significance to students.

The session will encourage and assist you to think critically about the aims and impact of curricula in relation to the lived experiences of students of colour. In doing so, there will be an opportunity to examine in detail and consider what might be appropriate revisions or developments for a module/programme that you are involved in the design of.

There is no pre-workshop task, however, you should come prepared to share and discuss your (re)design ideas (regardless of how well developed they are at this stage).

Tue 18th Mar 2025 | 10am-12pm


Led by Anil Awesti & Lydia Plath | TRIW

Curriculum Design in Action


Curriculum Design in Action is a series of four online practical workshops rooted in the understanding of curriculum design as a crucial and complex social practice operating within and beyond dynamic higher education contexts. Although fronted by relevant educational theory, this series focuses on practice, and provides hands-on experience of designing theory and evidence-informed module-level curriculum that is fit-for-purpose and inclusive.

The series is most suitable for academic staff working on (re)designing their own module. It is also suitable for professional services staff involved in module design or evaluation (students involved in curriculum co-creation/evaluation are welcome too).

Scroll down for more information.

Thu 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd May 2025 | 1pm-3pm


Led by Jo Kukuczka | ADC

Co-facilitated by Heather Meyer | IATL

Series overview

Workshop 1 | Exploring curriculum as a social practice: Designing aims | Workshop 1 will briefly introduce the concept of curriculum design as a social practice and how it impacts our understanding of module aims. This will be followed by designing our own module aims (real or imagined - depending on your context).

Workshop 2 | Re-imagining curriculum: Designing ILOs and assessment | Workshop 2 will briefly introduce key curriculum design frameworks and invite you to consider how they might impact your module's ILOs and assessment. This will be followed by designing your own ILOs and assessment aligned with the selected framework(s) and underpinned by the understanding of curriculum as a social construct.

Workshop 3 | Crafting curriculum: Designing learning activities | Workshop 3 will briefly introduce an innovative curriculum design framework (waving curriculum) reported to support cumulative knowledge-building and knowledge transfer, as well as inclusive teaching. This will be followed by having a go at your own waving module design.

Workshop 4 | Critiquing curriculum: Evaluating curriculum design | Workshop 4 will look at ways in which to critically engage with curriculum designs (either our own or those designed by others). In this final workshop we will critically reflect on real curriculum designs and have a go at designing our own curriculum evaluation instrument(s).

Dates & times

Workshop 1 | online | Thursday 1st May 2025 1pm-3pm

Workshop 2 | online | Thursday 8th May 2025 1pm-3pm

Workshop 3 | online | Thursday 15th May 2025 1pm-3pm

Workshop 4 | online | Thursday 22nd May 2025 1pm-3pm

Series facilitation

Lead facilitator | Jo Kukuczka | Academic Development Centre (ADC) | University of Warwick

Guest facilitator | Dr Heather Meyer | Institute for Advanced Teaching & Learning (IATL) | University of Warwick

Sign up

Register here and we will send you a series of calendar invites (no later than a week prior to each workshop). Meanwhile, please hold the workshop dates/times in your calendar.

You are welcome to attend all or just some of the workshops, and there is no preparation required. All we ask is that you accept/decline the calendar invites at your earliest convenience (tentative responses will be removed from the invites 48 hrs before each workshop). Certificates of attendance will be issued upon request.

Related learning opportunities

Check out | Postgraduate Award Curriculum Development in Higher Education (PGA CDHE) for Warwick module and programme convenors.

Enquiries |