Warwick Postgraduate Teaching Community (PTC)
Warwick PTC is a cross-institutional community of practice for postgraduate researchers who teach.
The role of Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) is ubiquitous across UK Higher Education, with PGR teachers embodying responsibilities such as lab demonstration, seminar leadership and marking. As very early career colleagues, PGRs are commonly referred to as being in a ‘liminal space’: somewhere between staff, student and researcher.
Warwick PTC has two broad aims. Firstly, to offer developmental opportunities to an evolving core of PGR teachers from across Warwick, enabling connection and collaboration, incubation of ideas and an opportunity to lead, share and learn. Secondly, to enable these colleagues to co-create research, resources and initiatives, and form partnerships which will benefit and give voice to the wider PGR teacher community, at Warwick and beyond. We want as many postgraduate tutors as possible actively engaged with WPTC to create a sense of community amongst us and improve the experiences and quality of teaching for all.
WPTC is jointly funded by the Academic Development Centre and the Doctoral College.

Latest news updates from the PTC:
GTA Tips and Tricks: Develop Interactional Competence in Teaching Space
Journal of PGR Pedagogic Practice (Issue 3) - out now!
Useful links: