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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

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Researcher Development - Research Life - Bookable on SkillsForge
On October 26th Warwick PTC is joining the Researcher Development team for one of their Research Life sessions - a space to have casual conversations about balancing research and life and mastering the life of research.
Are you a PGR who is teaching this academic year? Or perhaps you are thinking about the possibility of undertaking teaching roles in the future but not so sure? Are you wondering how you will manage to carry out the commitments of your research and the responsibilities of teaching at the same time? Come join us in this conversation about balancing your research and your teaching. In this session we will be joined by members of the Postgraduate Teaching Community (PTC), so you will have the opportunity to hear from (and share with) colleagues who are experiencing or have experienced this dual position of being a researcher and teach

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