JPPP Issue 4: Celebration and Launch event!
Register here to join this professional learning opportunity for free!

We cordially invite you to attend the launch event of the latest issue of the JPPP on Friday 15th November 2025, 10am-2pm. This event will support a hybrid format and you can join on MS Teams or attend in person, at the Wolfson Exchange, floor 3, main library.
Dial in today! Online attendance
The event will be hosted on MS Teams: here is the joining information:
Join the meeting nowLink opens in a new window
Meeting ID: 359 307 416 371 Passcode: TLpjQb
The session will combine opportunities to hear from the current editorial team, authors and explore the themes and issues arising in the latest issue. You can find out more about how to get involved with Warwick PTC and connect with colleagues over lunch!
To register for this event, please complete the form at the bottom of this page with some details which will help us to plan the day. Registration closes on Wednesday 13th November at 12 noon.
Plan for the day
We have an informative and discursive schedule, focused on perspectives from current JPPP authors, the editorial team and the wider Warwick Postgraduate Teaching Community and Academic Development Centre. Our schedule is designed around:
10.00 - Arrival and registration
10.15 - WPTC overview and welcome
10.30 - Presentations from authors
11.15 - Break and collaborative opportunity
12.00 - Lunch
12.45 - Collaborative opportunity
13.00 - Presentations from authors
14.00 - Close
Programme presentations
Exploring the ‘Invisible’ in GTAs: Reflections on Intuition and Post-Graduate Mentoring
- Exploring the value of PGRs who teach for undergraduate students' sense of belonging.
Cultivating Care in the Classroom: Bridging Cultural Approaches in Malaysian and UK Higher Education
Harnessing the benefits of peer dialogue for GTAs’ professional development: Two reflective stories
Enhancing Student Engagement and Belonging in Legal Education: The Impact of Personalized Teaching and Continuous Professional Development
Navigating the liminal space: Enhancing film teaching through anonymous feedback, digital collages, and advocacy
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