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Philip Kaisary (Law) WATE commendee

Teaching interdisciplinary and cross-departmental modules, I have sought to enhance the student learning experience through an imaginative use of resources and materials. However, using a diverse range of teaching and learning materials is far from an end in itself. Instead, such a methodology is wedded to my commitment to an engaged and progressive pedagogy that aspires to recognise the seminar room and lecture theatre as places of possibility.

Philip’s multidisciplinary training, first in literary studies and then in law, has enabled him to design, or co-design with others, three new research-led, interdisciplinary undergraduate modules: “Disaster Law and Culture,” “Writing Human Rights,” and “Law and Film”.

Student feedback clearly indicates how much students enjoy Philip’s lectures and seminars. However, what distinguishes Philip as an exceptional teacher, is his ability to train students in an art of thinking beyond any realms of comfort – and the nurturing of a critical comportment and sensibility.