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WATE 24 Collaborative award winners

About the Collaborative Awards

The collaborative awards recognise the work of teams and groups of people who create teaching excellence and have a positive impact upon student learning and the learning experience, and whose approach to collaborative working, their practices, behaviours, and values are in themselves excellent.

Winner - Designing Together Team

Inspired by the work of Felten et al. (2019) the Designing Together team reimagined the role of students in academic development. With student project co-leads taking charge of the design of an opportunity for colleagues from six external institutions to come together through a co-created series of coaching meetings, a symposium, a series of resources including a student-led podcast series, and an external LinkedIn community of practice. Within Warwick the team facilitated several student-led events, including consulting WMG and EPQ. The team are now focusing on disseminating their work and learnings through publications and an IATL-funded deck of cards.

About the Designing Together Team

Designing Together is a team of students and staff with expertise in design thinking from across Warwick: Nikita Asnani, Inca Hide-Wright, Bo Kelestyn, Jess Humphreys and Lory Barile. Forged through a WIHEA-funded project the team is working towards their vision for shared practice and language around learner-centred design.

Highly Commended - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Team

The MSc Innovation & Entrepreneurship Team at WMG manages a complex delivery of learning experiences for our approximately 100 students per year. These include taught modules, extra- and co-curricular activities and new venturing student projects by collaborating extensively with students, external partners and industry experts. We prioritize stimulating an entrepreneurial mindset, engaging students in authentic learning experiences, and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations. Notably, our approach includes student-led initiatives like the Start-Up Café and industry partnerships for hackathons. The team's commitment to student-centered learning and continuous improvement is evident in our pedagogical research and the measurable impact on students' entrepreneurial competency gains.

About the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Team

The core MSc Innovation & Entrepreneurship Team comprises of academics and PGR students with a range backgrounds and interests, but who share one common value – an ‘excellence mindset’. We collaborate extensively, and consider all our external module teaching teams, project supervisors, student leads and other associated experts as members also.

Commended - Life Sciences First Year Tutorial Team

The Y1 Labs and Tutorials team grew organically out of a shared drive to highlight and improve skills development for all SLS students. Through an overhaul of small group teaching provision and practical lab assessment, with a focus on embedding repeated formative training opportunities prior to assessment, we have transformed the approach to both soft and hard skills teaching and learning within the School. This has ultimately led to skills development becoming a departmental priority, exemplified within the ongoing curriculum review where our ethos has been adopted and our team tasked with to the creation of a novel Synoptic Skills module in Y2.

About the Life Sciences First Year Tutorial Team

The Y1 Labs and Tutorials team led by Dr Wallis, Dr Dilger and Dr Lagunas have developed a new set of tutorial sessions and lab assessments to improve the provision of key transferable and discipline-specific skills providing students with confidence and supporting them when entering the labour market.