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WIHEA Advisory Group Members

The WIHEA Advisory Group is an internal arrangement which consists of Fellows, Alumni and an external member of WIHEA and is chaired by the Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education). The Group advises the Director of WIHEA on operational planning and strategic direction, and advises the Academy on its internal processes and procedures. It assists in the consideration of Fellowship nominations and project funding allocations, and suggests areas for attention and activity by the Fellows and/or the Academy as a whole, reviewing the effectiveness of WIHEA at regular intervals. The Group also acts as an ambassador for WIHEA in departments, the University, and the wider context of Higher Education.

Current members of the WIHEA Advisory Group

Professor Rebecca Freeman (chair)

Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)

(Fellow 2015-18)

Professor Gill Cooke

Director of Education/Head of Teaching (WMG)

(Fellow 2016-19)

Professor Lorenzo Frigerio

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)

(Fellow 2016-19)

Professor Letizia Gramaglia

Director of WIHEA

(Fellow 2015-18)

Sam Grierson

Associate Professor (Teaching Focused) (Foundation Studies)

(Fellow 2022-25)

Jess Humphreys

Deputy Director of WIHEA

(Fellow 2017-20)

Dr Joanne Lee

Associate Professor (Teaching Focused) (SMLC)

(Fellow 2019-24)

Dr David Lees

Dean of Students

(Fellow 2018-21)

Dr Martyn Parker

Associate Professor - Reader (Teaching Focused) (Statistics)

(Fellow 2021-24)

Dr Elena Riva

Head of Department (IATL)

(Fellow 2018-21)