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It is estimated that 2 million people in the UK have a learning disability like dyslexia -

Dyslexia Research Trust

In this video, Kelli Sandman-Hurley urges us to think again about dyslexic brain function and to celebrate the neurodiversity of the human brain.

"Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological awareness, verbal memory, and verbal processing speed" -

British Dyslexia Association

"Marked and persistent weaknesses may be identified in short-term and working memory, speed of processing, sequencing skills, auditory and/or visual perception, spoken language and motor skills" -

Warwick Wellbeing

"I told my tutor and umm I really like my tutor, but she said to me "Are you sure? Well, have you always been dyslexic or is this a new thing?" - Warwick Student

British Dyslexia Association: Signs of Dyslexia in Adults

What are some characteristics of students with Dyslexia?

Accuracy in reading is a common characteristic of those with dyslexia (Leinonen et al., 2001). Often, those with dyslexia do not follow the normal prosodic pattern and that often leads to impairments in understanding the material (Moojen et al. 2019). Students often find the required reading at university a big challenge because they do not have the ability to skim and scan written material.

Writing speed is often slower in people with dyslexia than others (Moojen et al. 2019). This may be due to the length of time it takes to process language or retrival (Dyslexic Help)

Self-Esteem and Self-Concept

Dyslexia is not just a specific learning difference that affects reading and writing but can affect other areas such as coordination, organisation, and memory (British Dyslexia Association).

Further, as dyslexia can have an impact on experiences in education, or socially, it has also been shown that it can also have a negative impact on a person's self-esteem.

Grooops is a network that supports the emotional wellbeing of those with dyslexia.


Personal Tutoring Advice Specific for SPLDS

Multiple Modes: Dyslexic students may struggle to process information that is written and will benefit substantially if the information is then verbal described. For some, having the opportunity to hear the information, but explained in a slightly different way will help them process what is expected of them. Ensuring that students understand the instructions given and offering alternative methods of explanation will help vastly.

Consider when communicating with a student who has dyslexia, their processing speed may be slower. It is good to avoid putting them on the spot and giving them time to process the information you have offered.

Create a supportive and collaborative relationship by getting to know all your students as individuals. This will help the student feel comfortable asking for support.

Teaching and Learning

Record Lecture Material: Students with dyslexia may struggle to note take or understand information at the same speed of neurotypical students, recording lectures ( and seminars where applicable) will give students a chance to revisit information they missed.

Lecture Breakdown: Starting with a clear breakdown of the lecture and outcomes and then splitting up content creatively with assigned breaks.

The Pause Procedure: a teaching strategy which incoporates 2-3 minute breaks for students to engage in directed discussion, that practice their immediate free recall and understanding of the teaching material (Waters & Torgerson, 2020).

Advice from University of Birmingham about Teaching and Supporting Students with Dyslexia


Guidelines suggested by Warwick when marking assessments for dyslexic students (ADSHE).

Time-bound Pressure: Dyslexic learners' reading, processing, and writing speed are often affected, which means engaging and performing well on timed examinations are often hindered. Other assessment structures such as ongoing assessment have proved to be more effective (Waters & Torgerson, 2020). Using a variety of assessment procedures can help give dyslexic students the opportunity to use other skills.

Revision using Visual Aids and Mnumonic Techniques: Mindmaps, charts and diagrams to organise thoughts and information has been proven to help those with dyslexia. Mnumonic techniques like acronyms or word associations, can assist with memorisation and recall during the writing process (Dyslexic Help)

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology: The Library offer productivity tools that can support reading and writing.

A comprehensive guide to a range of assistive technology: Supportive Resources and Websites

Utilising Proof-Reading Software: Students with dyslexia often will struggle with grammar and syntax, often their work is confusing to read and doesn't have a clear structure. Software such as Grammarly can be extremely beneficial for students to help identify when their sentence structures or grammar doesn't make sense, students who receive DSA will have free access.