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Restorative Justice in HE

Led by Prof Jane Bryan (Law) and Dr Amanda Wilson (Law), this Learning Circle aims to:

  • Explore how Restorative Justice works in other institutions (within and outside of HE)
  • Explore the literature on Restorative Justice and develop an evidence base relevant to Warwick
  • Engage with stakeholders from across the university and explore ways in which Restorative Justice processes might be used at Warwick

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Previous events

Becoming a Restorative University Webinar

Thursday, 12 January 2023 (via MS Teams) - open to our WIHEA community, University of Warwick colleagues as well as external guests.

Suzanne Belleci is the Director of the Center for Restorative Practices at Amherst College, Massachusetts, US and, together with members of her team, shared experiences of introducing restorative practices into a US University. Suzanne's talk offered advice on key moments in building a restorative institution, such as:

  • Starting a centre on campus

  • Supervision of student workers

  • Using restorative practices (RP) in the workplace

  • Launching Orientation Circles for New Students

  • Practicing RP restoratively

  • 4-part circle series for student groups (clubs, athletic teams,)

  • Harm repair work with staff

This talk was geared towards those with a keen interest in learning about how to find out more about using restorative practices in a workplace or Higher Education setting, for example, restorative facilitators and staff and students at Higher Education Institutions.

Read more about the Center for Restorative Practices, Amherst College, US and watch the event recording.

Right from Wrong: A talk by Jacob Dunne

Jacob Dunne has personal experience of restorative justice. At the age of 18, he killed a man with a single punch. In prison, he was introduced to the man's parents through a restorative justice programme. This talk explains his experiences and what he learnt about accountability and restorative approaches.

Jacob engaged staff and students in a discussion as to whether there is a place for Restorative Justice in Higher Education.

Read more about Jacob and watch the event recording.

Meeting 3 of the Restorative Justice in Higher Education network

12 October 2021 1-2.30 pm (via Microsoft Teams)

The aim of this network is to give colleagues who are interested in restorative justice and practices in HE to come together to introduce our initiatives, share experiences and strategies for growth and embedding of activities, and begin to develop solutions to common problems.

We hope that the network will provide opportunities for collaboration as well as learning, and we welcome suggestions from you about the role the network can play in supporting our individual activities.

If you would like to join the network, please email Dr Jane Bryan at

RJ and Campus Sexual Harm Symposium

22 September 2021 2-4 pm (online)

The prevalence of sexual harm on university campuses is a serious issue. Conventional approaches to addressing this problem typically fall short of meeting the needs and interests of victims/survivors, perpetrators and the broader community. Restorative justice provides an alternative approach to dealing with sexual harm. In this symposium, we will explore what restorative justice can offer victims/survivors, the risks and benefits of taking part in restorative processes, and whether restorative justice can contribute to the prevention of sexual harm on campus by effecting cultural change.

Speakers: Professor Tim Chapman (Strathclyde); Dr Nadia Wager (Huddersfield); Charlotte Calkin (Restorative Engagement Forum); Tony Walker (Restorative Solutions); Alice King (Warwick).

More information and event recording available here: Symposium: Restorative Justice and Campus Sexual Harm (

WIHEA seminar: An online screening of a film on RJ 'Circles'Link opens in a new window with a live online talk

22 July 2021 3-5.30 pm (online)

Circles introduces us to Eric, a dedicated high school counsellor who struggles to balance the energy he pours into supporting his at-risk students and his relationship with his own son.

The screening was followed by an after-talk with the maker of the film Cassidy Friedman and the central character, Eric Butler. A recording of the after-talk is available here.

WIHEA Seminar: An online screening of a film on RJ 'Circles' with live talk with filmmaker Cassidy Friedman and the central character, Eric Butler (

WIHEA seminar: 'How to build a restorative university' with Dr Lindsey Pointer

30 June 2021 3-4.30 pm (online)

Lindsey PointerLink opens in a new window (Vermont Law School) has had a lot of success implementing restorative practices in universities in New Zealand and the US and shared her experiences around some of the challenges and opportunities.

Recording link: WIHEA Seminar: 'How to build a restorative university' (

Kick-off meeting of the Restorative Practices in Higher Education network

16 June 2021 12-1.30 pm (via Microsoft Teams)

The aim of this network is to give colleagues who are interested in restorative practices in HE to come together to introduce our initiatives, share experiences and strategies for growth and embedding of activities, and begin to develop solutions to common problems.

We hope that the network will provide opportunities for collaboration as well as learning, and we welcome suggestions from you about the role the network can play in supporting our individual activities.

If you would like to join the network, please email Prof Jane Bryan at

WIHEA Seminar: What would RJ at Warwick look like?

13 May 2021 1:30-3pm (via Microsoft Teams)

Following on from the WIHEA Symposium 'Restorative Justice in Higher Education' on 22 April 2021 which looked at the higher education context generally, this webinar was an opportunity for staff and students at Warwick to explore how restorative justice (RJ) practices could fit within our practices, for example, in teaching or dealing with disagreement or discipline (such as plagiarism).

Dr Amanda Wilson (Warwick Law School), one of the speakers at the Symposium co-led the session together with Dr Imogen Davies (Warwick Medical School) and Dr Jane Bryan (Warwick Law School). They spoke in more detail about some of the advantages Warwick may enjoy if RJ were to be integrated within its practices and some things that would need to be considered.

This was a supportive space where innovative ideas can be discussed and considered amongst peers. There was no need for prior knowledge of RJ nor attendance at the Symposium.

Who was this event aimed at?  

All Warwick staff and students but particularly those with an interest in conflict management, such as students and staff involved in managing teams (including leading seminars), discipline, academic integrity, and residential life.

More information

WIHEA Symposium: 'Restorative Justice in Higher Education'

22 April 2021 2- 5 pm (online)

How universities react when students have harmed others is challenging for many reasons. Traditional disciplinary measures can often feel inappropriate, but alternatives can be difficult to imagine. This symposium brings together experts with experience of RJ in a range of contexts, who will examine the rationale, extent and effectiveness of restorative justice and its place in a higher education setting as a possible way to repair harm and re-educate the harmer about the needs and values of the university community.

A recording of this event can be found at the link below. This event was of interest to those in the university community with an interest in conflict management, such as Heads of Departments, Discipline teams, Academic Integrity leads, residential life teams and many others.

Recording link and further information Link opens in a new window

Find out more about restorative practices here in this

Resource LibraryLink opens in a new window.

Using Restorative Circles to build community: a step by step guide