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Interdisciplinarity SSLC Questionnaire

A dictionary definition of interdisciplinarity will tell you that it means "the quality or fact of involving or drawing on two or more branches of knowledge."

Interdisciplinarity at Warwick at the face of it is a culmination of two or more fields, put to use during your course of study here and is accessed through any tool such as modules, interactions with students from other departments, departmental activities, etc.

The following questions aim to understand the general awareness around interdisciplinarity in your department, as well as during your experience as a SSLC rep.
Please answer 'N/A' anywhere you think is appropriate

Have you ever come across the term interdisciplinarity either as a student or as a SSLC Rep (required)
Would you say you have a broad understanding of what interdisciplinarity means (required)
Please indicate whether interdisciplinarity has ever been discussed in any of your Committee meetings (required)
Have students ever raised the issue of barriers to interdisciplinarity (e.g. timetabling/course regulations/CATs) (required)
Has any specific interdisciplinary activity been promoted within your department (e.g. module/conference/assignment) (required)
According to your interaction with your cohort are students satisfied with the range of interdisciplinary activities initiated by your department (required)
As an elected representative have you or your team ever felt the responsibility or duty to discuss and initiate interdisciplinary activities for the students of your department (required)
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The data on this form will be used as part of the Interdisciplinarity Project. The details of this form submission, and your identity (where submitted) will be stored for the purpose of scoping out the student perspective on the Interdisciplinarity pillar of the Education Strategy. Data submitted will not be used for any purpose other than for the data collection, analysis and anonymous reporting in an internal scoping report, as well as informing Interdisciplinarity Student Communications. Data submitted will be deleted at the end of 2018/19 academic year. You can withdraw consent to participate in this Project at any point by emailing Project Officer Vasanthi Subramonia Pillai.

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For any questions or comments related to this Interdisciplinary Student Questionnaire, please contact Interdisciplinarity Project Officer Vasanthi Subramonia Pillai vasanthi at warwick dot ac dot uk