
To support students when reviewing material, presentations are accompanied with an audio recording and transcript. During the pandemic, when video recording became more common, these were also accompanied with a transcript of the presentation. A transcript is important for inclusive and accessible learning as it allows students to read the presentation.


An important element when designing for learning is to provide multiple ways to learn. For example, the visual presentation of a PowerPoint can highlight key information. However, the PowerPoint alone can lack context and intention. Hence, the addition of an audio or video recording can capture emphasis, encouragement, and provide much-needed feeling to presentations. Yet an audio or video recording can be limiting: to make them accessible and inclusive, they must be accompanied by a transcript (or captions) to allow the students to engage with the material or follow the presentation. Hence a transcript can support students to achieve academic success.

How it Works

  1. Create presentation in PowerPoint or Keynote.
  2. Write transcript for each slide.
  3. Record the audio or video for presentation.
  4. Upload presentation, with audio or video recording, with transcript.

Individual Perspective

When creating the transcript, it is important to ensure the text is split up by slides so students can follow the presentation. I recommend writing the transcript within the notes section of each slide when creating the presentation in PowerPoint or Keynote. I save the presentation as PDF with notes pages, and upload this to Moodle. To save time, I suggest writing the transcript prior to recording the audio or video as this can save time and reduces awkwardness when recording. v

Student Feedback

This section contains quotes and comments made by students during the interview stages of the project. After gathering pedagogies such as this one, we described them to a pair of peers and asked them to reflect on the efficacy, potential and impact whereby they produced these comments:

  • "Lecture capture was essential for me because I studied a cross-faculty course which meant certain modules or classes overlapped. Therefore, without it, I would not have been able to access the content required to pass my assessments. Also, I have friends who have work commitments or struggle with time management who also rely on this as a resource"